Sunday, October 2, 2011

Theme: Done with Fear

What Do You Fear?
When my children were very young they would become afraid.   It might be the dark, or a bad dream, or a bug.  They would come running to me and cry out "Daddy I'm scared".  I would pick them up, hug them and say "It's OK.  I'm right here, Daddy's not going anywhere".  Reassured by a good hug and kiss their fears were quickly forgotten.    

What do you fear?  We may have gotten over being afraid of the dark but as we get older we have deeper fears.  Rejection, failure, loneliness, illness, and old age cause us great anxiety. My humanness compensates by feeling safe  when I have a good balance in my checking account, when I drive a nice car and live in a nice home, when my job is going well, when my health is good, when all is well with my wife and children, when I’m acknowledged by others, and when I’m being a good Christian.  Let any one of these be threatened and I become weak, insecure, and full of fear.
Jesus wants us to be fearless, fearless of anything that may come. No matter what you face. Rejection, loss of your job, loss of your marriage, loss of someone you love, or even loss of your own life.  He says, "come to Me, the Maker of heaven and earth, the One who even the winds and waves obey." If we run to Him, He takes us into His arms, He holds us, kisses us on the forehead and says “I will never leave you, I will never forget you”. Don’t be afraid of anything because I am here with you (Hebrews 13:5-6).
In Acts 4 Peter and John are thrown into prison for teaching about Jesus.  They are threatened and told to stop.  The Jewish leaders saw that Peter and John were not afraid to speak and they understood that these men had no special training or education.  So they were amazed.  Then they realized that Peter and John had been with Jesus (Acts 4:13).  Peter and John saw the reality of who Christ was, the truth of His message, and had accepted with no reservations His promises of heaven, of an eternal relationship in a new life with Him.  To the point that even with imprisonment and threats to their earthly life they “spoke God’s word without fear” (Acts 4:31).  Our view of Jesus must change to be like that of Peter and John.  The radical message of Christ calls us to believe something unbelievable.  His message is, with me you’re safe, we are going somewhere you cannot imagine, just hold on and it will make anything here seem so small.  Like fear of the dark, a bad dream or a bug.  The radical message of Christ is contrary to everything our society tells us.  Everything we attempt to hold on to, everything that gives us value, everything that gives us worth, everything that we think will give us peace will come up short.  Give it all up Jesus challenges and I will give you an abundant life. Give up reliance on your money, your belongings, your religion, yourself, and your fears will be gone. Jesus provides great reassurance and our foundation for fearlessness when we accept with childlike faith His challenge “Do not be afraid, just believe”, “I will never leave you, I will never forget you” (Mark 5:36, Hebrews 13:5-6).   
Lord, help me cross over from trusting in the things of this world and in myself to complete trust in You.  Let Your Holy Spirit reveal to me that there is nothing I will fear because You are with me.  Amen
Scotty Elston
, Texas

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