Friday, October 7, 2011

Theme: Done with Fear

Glory of God

My husband and I were in Dallas with another couple attending a business convention.  That evening after leaving the meeting we were involved in a hit and run while going through a tunnel, slamming our car into a concrete barrier. 

At the time of the accident we had a 3 year old, 1 year old, and I was pregnant with our third child.  I miscarried within a few days following the accident.  After a couple of months I continued to have severe pain and was hospitalized when it was discovered that I had torn my rib cage during the accident, but there was more and a surgeon would be in to talk with us.  A tumor on my liver had been found during the scans and I was immediately referred to a liver specialist at Baylor University Medical Center.  My first thought….FEAR!  I  was scheduled within a month for a biopsy.  Routine blood tests were done and it was discovered that I was pregnant.  The doctors repeated the test and it was indeed confirmed, I was pregnant.  My doctor had never seen a scenario like mine and regretfully informed us that the biopsy on the tumor could not be performed until after the baby was delivered.  I would have to wait 9 months to find out if the tumor was malignant or benign.  My first thought….FEAR!

  In Psalms 3, David is in the midst of great distress. Throughout this psalms David asks God for help, anticipates God’s help, and offers praise to God.  In verse 5, “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.  This is a beautiful prayer and David’s confidence in God is a testimony to us today.  As I faced reality of the unknown and grasped for the joy in the child that grew within me, I like David, looked to my heavenly Father to shield me, bestow His glory on me, and lift up my head. (v. 3,4)  I also called upon several godly white-haired men who came weekly to my home and prayed with me.  The peace that I received was beyond comforting.  Not only did the prayers of my family, friends, church family sustain me, but the Holy Spirit’s presence was sustaining and abundant.  When we receive Christ as Lord we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit.(Ephesians 1:13)  The Holy Spirit’s presence is abiding and forever.(John 14:16)  When we are filled with the Spirit we become people of courage. (Acts 4)  By faith in the name of Jesus we are made strong just like the crippled beggar in Acts 3:16.

 I delivered a beautiful healthy baby girl and my tumor was a benign type of tumor not even requiring removal.  So I live with the reminder that ugly lives within me, but I have been given a new life through Jesus Christ.  When we put complete trust in Him we are filled with the Holy Spirit and and we have the power to meet Fear head on. A spirit filled individual is all about the Glory of God.

 Precious Father and and Author of Life, thank you for your son, Jesus Christ, who is our Savior and Redeemer and through his blood has allowed us eternal life and the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Show us where we are not glorifying you in our lives and help us to overcome our fears.  Help us to repent, obey, and preach the good news with boldness.  All to your Glory, Amen.

Carla Henson
Abilene, Texas

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