I was jogging a couple of days ago and got to thinking about Father’s Day and found myself walking down memory lane. (I’m glad I was running alone!) Memories came tumbling into my mind and heart like a river out of its banks. In a word, it was overwhelming.
As I continued around the park in my partial “out-of-body-experience” my mind darted back and forth between my life and Job’s life. I would like to think I have enough faith to get through what Job experienced. But, honestly, I think about the story of Job and I cringe. It’s not the theology in the book or God’s sovereignty or any of the other big ticket items that travel across the terrain of the Old Testament story that unsettle me. I cringe at the thought of life…without my wife and children.
I thought about Father’s Day and honestly, I couldn’t think about it as “our day”, dads. I was overwhelmed with the thought of how much God has blessed me to be surrounded by a terrific woman and four fantastic kids. All I could say as I traveled down “memory lane” was “Thank you, Father, for allowing me to be one. Thank you for putting these people into my life.”
There have been a lot of great moments. That said, there have been some moments I would take back and ask for a “do-over”. Mercy and understanding restored my heart when I needed it most! As I continued on my run, God’s word came to me from the Gospel of Luke. It was one of those “sit up and pay attention” moments. When the angel Gabriel announced that Elizabeth would give birth to a little boy named John who would be the forerunner for the Christ, he gave an interesting description of his life and ministry. Tucked away in Gabriel’s words are these words: “And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God, and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children…” (Luke 1:16-17). The Message version says, “…he will soften the hearts of parents to children.” You wouldn’t think a dad’s heart would need softening where his kids are concerned. But, Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, told the truth then and now.
As a father and former child I know firsthand what it was like to live in a child's world. Life looked very different through ten year old eyes than it does through the pair I’ve got now. Life was simple. I had very few worries beyond the school house and the city limit sign. That all changed with the emergence of adulthood. The world got bigger. Responsibility jumped out of the dictionary and came to life. Dad, can you relate to this? Life has a way of pressing us and squeezing a lot of good things out of us with the result that we get too focused. What dad hasn’t felt edgy and overwhelmed on occasion? Life becomes a very crowded experience. Stuff comes at us relentlessly. And, we can FEEL it. I can still hear Gabriel’s words. Can you?
God put us at the helm. We pilot the ship. It is our calling. It is our blessing. And, it is the greatest joy we can experience in this life. So, how’s your soft side, dad?
June 19 is designated as Father’s Day. Our families may fuss over us a little. But, I want to extend a hearty invitation to all the dads out there. Launch out into some uncharted waters tomorrow. Embrace Gabriel’s words. Share your heart with your family. Tell’em what they mean to you. Somewhere in that experience there will be a move of God.
Father, you have given us everything we need to be the kind of father’s we need to be. May we look to you for guidance every day. Quiet our spirits and soothe our hearts as we lead our families in this sojourn called life. May be never lose the softness that is essential to being the kind of men, husbands, fathers and leaders you need us to be….they need us to be. Thank you for giving us the incredible privilege and blessing of family. Amen
Randy Daugherty
Stephenville, Texas