Friday, March 2, 2012

Theme: Psalm 1


For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.”  Psalms 1:6

JUDGEMENT DAY – we’ve all thought about it at one time or another.  We will all face it – there is no escaping it.  When I read the above verse, the first thought that comes to my mind is that the LORD is in CHARGE.  He KNOWS each and every one of us and He will judge us accordingly.

The wicked will not stand because the LORD is perfect in His judgment. He is flawless in His discernment. The LORD knows the way of the righteous; He approves of their path. Thus He rejects and disapproves of the way of the wicked.

Through the Son, a path was constructed so that men can return to God. Though the righteous still sin, they repent of their sin, but the wicked refuse repentance. The wicked will perish because God is just. God commands men to enter through the narrow gate— He has provided a way for men to be saved— through faith alone in Jesus Christ.  But, there are few that enter.

The way of the wicked will perish, but the righteous will endure— they will prosper for all eternity because they refused to bow their knee to wickedness. They put their trust in those things revealed in the law of the LORD.

Father, we love you.  We are so thankful for Your Son.  Thank you for giving us a path to righteousness so that we may live with you forever.  Help us to stay on that path and to live for you daily.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Casey Dacus
, Texas

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Theme: Psalm 1

Regarding Wisdom

“[The wise person]…He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.  Whatever he does prospers.”  Psalm 1:3

Psalm 1 is part of what’s called wisdom literature in the Bible.  All of scripture tells us that wisdom comes from righteous living.  A wise person is a righteous person.  So where does that leave us sinners?

Let’s think about it:  The psalmist wrote in anticipation of a coming Messiah who would save God’s people from their plight.  They repeatedly disobeyed God, then mocked him for being ineffective, then found themselves at the mercy of the wickedness they brought on themselves, and blamed God for their unhappiness and discontent.  They (we) needed someone to save them, and a Savior came.  Jesus Christ died for our sins.

He saved us from our own foolishness so to speak, and as Christians we can’t wallow in guilt about them.  We learn from them and go on to do better.  As the saying goes, “It doesn’t hurt to glance back at your past; just don’t stare at it.”

Our past sins no longer exist because Jesus took them to the cross with him.  The waters of baptism washed us clean as newborn babies, and God’s gift of grace continually nurtures us in the direction of righteousness.

Psalm 1 says that the difference between being righteous or wicked…wise or foolish…winners or losers…is found in God’s word.  It’s His will for us, His way for us, His requirements and expectations of us.  Meditating on it will help us flourish, not perish.

Whatever we encounter at each season of life and no matter where we’ve been in the past, we not only survive, we thrive and prosper when every fiber of our being is planted deeply in the presence of God.

Father God, we can’t be as wise as You, but You’ve told us to pray for wisdom.  You’ve also told us where to find it.  Bless our minds and hearts with increased understanding of your will, and thank you for being with us through every season.  Amen.   

Sandra Milholland
Abilene, Texas

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Theme: Psalm 1

1 Oh, the joys of those who do not
follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners,
or join in with mockers.
2 But they delight in the law of the LORD,
meditating on it day and night.
3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
and they prosper in all they do.
4 But not the wicked!
They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.
5 They will be condemned at the time of judgment.
Sinners will have no place among the godly.
6 For the LORD watches over the path of the godly,
but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.
(New Living Translation)

Reflecting on this passage took me back to my days in grade school.  I have vivid memories of being teased and bullied but I also have memories of participating in the teasing at someone else’s expense.  Can you picture it?  Kids on the playground mocking one another creating an environment of mischief, hurt and disappointment!  Even as adults, we find ourselves acting the same way!  Adults can be mean, hurtful, spiteful and all out wicked!  At work, maybe we participated in gossip that we should have refrained from or after hour activities with people that we know we shouldn’t be spending our time with.  Every day is full of so many choices!!  Yet, this passage paints a very black and white picture of actions and outcome of people who don’t (or do) follow the word of the Lord!

So often, we try and make Christianity a grey world to live in struggling with living in the world but not of the world.  But really, it’s pretty clear.  God’s inspired word gave us every instruction needed to live according to His will and plan.  If we deviate from that, it’s our fault, not His.  We made a choice to be wayward.  Of course, going to church 3+ times a week and giving your tithe doesn’t mean you are out of the woods!  It’s the small things that get us into trouble!  The gossip, judgment, disdain, contentiousness, arrogance, (can you name others?) are all things that lend to finding ourselves aligned with the wicked.  Believe me, satan has made it so easy to end up there!

Not only did God instruct us what not to do, He described the consequence, both good and bad.  He made it clear!  I want to be the fruit tree by the river and bear as much fruit as possible!  Praise Him for walking with us providing strength for when we need it most!  All we have to do is ask!

Father, thank you for making your will for me so clear.  Help me to recognize the opportunities to serve you and refrain from the ways of the wicked.  Thank you for watching over the paths of the godly!  Amen.

Michelle Tittor
Grapevine, TX

Monday, February 27, 2012

Theme: Psalm 1


I began today with a journey.  It started with reflections on Psalm 1, specifically verse 3: 

3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
   which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
   whatever they do prospers.

I read the verse and enjoyed the comparisons and similarity to another favorite, Psalm 23 with its description of green pastures, quiet waters and a refreshed soul. A tree beside the stream of water flourishes as we do when we love and follow God. We do not wither because God provides the nourishment; we live and prosper. (My day’s journey changed direction.) I did a word search of the Bible for “Prosper” and found Deuteronomy 5:33

33 Walk in obedience to all that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.

(Another tangent in the journey; “Live long and prosper” = Mr. Spock of Star Trek and the Vulcan hand greeting) 

“Live long and prosper” was from Deuteronomy and not from Star Trek! It was a directive from Moses to the Hebrew people rather than a greeting between Vulcan people. Next, I Googled “Live long and prosper” and found Mr. Spock’s famous hand signal, a 4 second video.  (Who puts a 4 second video on YouTube?) Another video attracted my attention.  It was titled “Leonard Nimoy on the Spock Star Trek Vulcan Salute” The first minute of the video is my God story of the day and provided another turn in my journey. I can’t tell about the video but you will be amazed and learn something only 175,000 other people know.  If you wish, copy the link below to watch:

I shared the video with several people at work and each was as pleased as I with their new knowledge. It was a very cool journey that I would not have been able to share if I had not watched that 4 second video!

Dear God, Thank you for the promises you make, the nourishment you provide; so we will not wither but will prosper as we follow you.  I really enjoyed the surprises and the journey through your word today (and the tangents).  Amen
Sherilyn Svien
Stephenville, TX

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Theme: Psalm 1

Tree or Chaff?
 Blessed is the man
   who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
   nor stands in the way of sinners,
   nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
 but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
   and on his law he meditates day and night.
 He is like a tree
    planted by streams of water
    that yields its fruit in its season,
    and its leaf does not wither.
   In all that he does, he prospers.
The wicked are not so,
    but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
    nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
for the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
    but the way of the wicked will perish.

If you are one of those people who cuts out scripture verses and sticks them on your refrigerator, odds are, Psalm 1 has been on the frig at some point in your life.  
It’s a short psalm, but it has a message that is timeless and powerful.  It operates on two assumptions:  1.) We have the right to choose what we want to do with our lives, and 2.) How we exercise choice in this life affects more than “this life.”  

We make choices everyday.  Should I turn left or right?  What do I want to do this weekend? What’s the next move with my business?  Should we get married or not?  Should I take this job or that one?  Should I serve God now or later or never?    

Generally speaking, we don’t like being put into categories.  But, scripture puts people in categories. Light/darkness; sheep/goats;  awake/asleep; righteous/unrighteous; saved/lost.  Psalm 1 stands in the same tradition.  It is not a soothing psalm per se.  It is a declaration.  It stands in the presence of human wisdom and arrogance and asks, “Tree or chaff?  Which will it be for you?”  Everybody chooses one or the other.

Bottom line:  It asks us to consider carefully how we spend our time on the planet.  Are we among those who  “walk , stand and sit” where there is no blessing?  Or, do we take our place in wisdom and blessing among those who have an ear for the Word of God?  

We will spend this week reflecting on the teaching of this majestic psalm.  It brings a message that we need to reflect on everyday.  Six fairly simple verses say, “Lend me your ear and think seriously about your life.” The questions it raises are intended to nudge us toward blessing.  Tree or chaff?  Rooted or blowing about? What role does the Word play in my life?  Is my life a testimony to the reign of God in me or am I…well…living for the moment?  

How we respond is up to us.  The choice is ours. 

Gracious Father, bless us with hearts that can hear the word of blessing that your Word has for us in this beautiful psalm.  We need it so desperately.  May we have hearts that discern the difference between “tree living” and “chaff living”.  As we make choices to “walk, stand and sit” each day, may our choices be governed by your counsel  Your word is truly a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.  Amen. 

Randy Daugherty
Stephenville, Texas