Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Theme: Done with Fear

Peace Instead of Fear

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.   John 14:27

“10-4, good buddy,” was repeated countless times daily in the long-ago days of the citizen band radio craze.  The message communicated acknowledgement and, possibly, understanding or agreement.  CB radio communication wasn’t limited to facts and details.  Drivers often used the public airwaves for trivia, expressing opinions and frustrations and disappointments.  The uncertainty of “what’s going to happen next” makes us nervous and afraid.

Fear is a common emotion shared by humanity.  The focus and extent of our fears are personal and unique.  Likewise, our method of managing fear, or, possibly, how our fears manage us, can range from peaceful irritation to irrational obsession.  The important thing is to identify our fears, so we can learn to cope in healthy ways.

Jesus knew his followers would be impacted by the fear of losing him.  He wanted to prepare his followers for the turmoil they would endure in the coming days.  As part of the plan for peace, Jesus tells them, the Father will send the Counselor.  The Holy Spirit, sent in the name of Jesus, will teach all things and remind the believers of everything Jesus said to them.  This must have been a tremendous comfort to them.  The disciples, though sad and confused, gained insight into God’s eternal plan.  The New Testament writers possessed spiritually enhanced memory.  Upon hindsight, because of the Spirit’s influence, confusion gave way to clarity.  They received peace and encouragement beyond worldly understanding.

Jesus’ instructions are meant to persuade us to completely trust God.  Alone, we are vulnerable to the attacks of the “prince of this world.”  Let us praise God that Satan has no hold over Jesus.  We, too, following in the path of Jesus, choose to love the Father and obey His commands.  Don’t let your hearts be troubled.  We have been given peace.

Dear Father, we thank you for knowing our hearts and leaving us with peace.  We thank you for sending your Spirit to teach us and provide comfort.  Thank you for Jesus’ victory over Satan.  Because we are in Christ, we know the prince of this world has no hold on us.  Peace reigns!  In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Carl Smith
Stephenville, Texas

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