Friday, March 18, 2011

An Opportunity to Trust God

My nine year old and her friend played to their hearts content one day last summer. Living on a ranch can be a pure blessing to the young at heart, but it can also be a mother’s worst nightmare. Our three children have seen and experienced country living to the fullest. What that means is you trust, pray, and have a great big dog like our ferocious killer dog, Chase, who follows the children everywhere they go.

One day last summer as it was getting near dusk, I stood on the front porch and called one of my daughters and her friend to come in. I could hear their joyful laughter as it carried them to our front gate. The little friend came skipping in first and then, with a mother’s worst dread, I watched my daughter freeze in fear. Abigail stood motionless in the gateway as a 4 foot rattlesnake crawled over the tops of her bare feet. There was nothing I could do to rescue her this time. It was in God’s hands. Abigail did exactly what she had been taught to do and God did the rest. He closed that ole rattler’s mouth just like with Daniel and the lion’s den. After I got the children safe inside, God’s spirit overcame this momma and like Samson, I slayed that rattlesnake, but not with my bare hands of course. To this day, Abigail has a jar in her room containing the snake's 6 rattlers! The jar reads, “Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”. Joshua 1:9

If we had our choice, we would probably choose to go through life without any struggles. Who wouldn’t want life to be easier? But life doesn’t always go the way we want it to. There will be times of sadness, frustration, and disappointment. Like it or not, our struggles actually serve as a purpose. They help us grow and develop into more faithful people. It’s an opportunity to trust God. Moses faced many setbacks in life, yet each challenge turned into a new opportunity to allow God to work through him as a leader of the Israelites. From being saved as a baby, to living in the desert for forty years, to leading millions of people across the dry bed of the Red Sea.

Some people’s faith is tied to their circumstances. When their circumstances are good, their faith is up. When their circumstances are negative, their faith is down. Just like the ever popular scripture in Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”. Faith makes things possible, not easy. One of the hardest things to understand is that faith will not instantly deliver you out of every problem. Instead, your faith will carry you through the problem.

As for me, I am still a work in progress. My aim is every time I face a challenge whether great or small, I am going to look at it as an opportunity to trust God. As much as I would like to take away my children’s troubles, I must instead teach them how to look for the hand of God in the midst of their troubles. Teaching them how to think, react, and develop through tough times. If we aren’t willing to persevere, adjust, and grow, we might just miss some special blessing that God has prepared for us. How about you?

Mighty God, you are faithful! My trust and confidence is in You. Cause my faith to continue to grow and help me to be a faithful witness. In Jesus name, Amen.

Carla Henson


  1. Right on, sister! This was an awesome blog...brought tears to this mother's eyes. Thank you.

  2. I love the jar and the verse. What a wonderful way to remind your child of God's protection over her. I love your example of faith in every day life!
