Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Mother’s Faith

Series: Modern Faith Heroes

My Niece, Janice Sue Crowell, has become my “faith hero”! Several months ago, Kasey and Janice Sue’s eleven year old Son, Kory, was diagnosed with Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma. The pathology report showed that the site where the tumor was removed still had some cancer cells. The tumor leaked some during the removal and Kory has been treated with eight rounds of chemotherapy. I would like to share excerpts from daily updates Janice Sue posted on Care Pages provided by Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston.

“Kory has a great attitude and we pray he will continue to have the strength and courage to fight this battle, of course, with the help and healing that comes from the Great Physician. Please lift up all our family in your prayers during this time. We know this will be a huge challenge for all of us, but we know our God is good and He will not give us more than we can handle. We also know, that with God all things are possible! “

Those of us who have traveled this journey with Kory and his family have been richly blessed. Janice Sue has specifically shared their need for prayers. “We are so very blessed to have prayer warriors to call on to lift us up in prayer, especially in difficult times. Thank you for helping us through this trying time. We love you and appreciate your love, support and encouragement. Will keep you posted on all the latest twists and turns of this trip! Like on a huge roller coaster, we will stay seated, keep our hands in the car, will stay strapped up and PRAY the ride is over soon. (You can scream on a roller coaster ride, right?)

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. DO NOT BE ANXIOUS ABOUT ANYTHING, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil.4:4-7) “Cast ALL your ANXIETY on him because he cares for you.” (I Pet.5:7) I will be reading these scriptures often over the next couple of weeks, as reminders not to be ‘anxious’ about anything. We are so grateful for all of you who are enduring this journey with us. Your prayers, love, support and encouragement have made this cross easier for us to bear! We love you and so appreciate EVERYTHING you have done for Kory and our family.”

Kory has a great sense of humor and has made this journey very entertaining at times. On one of his visits to the doctor, he wore a shirt that read: “DOCTOR’S NOTE” Dear Teacher, This patient has been diagnosed with AMAZING AWESOMENESS! Please keep him away from HOMEWORK, as it would irritate his AWESOMENESS! PS. There is no cure, so he will have to be AWESOME FOREVER! (You may guess, a gift from his Nanny)

There are many “faith stories” along this journey, too numerous to share. However, I would like to share this one which begins, “The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zep.3:17) “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Ps.37:4) God blessed Kory with his heart’s desire to throw out the first pitch of the 2011 baseball season for our McNeese State University Cowboys. We give our Lord God all thanks and praise for allowing him this honor. “Kory Crowell” even had his name in lights on the scoreboard. Kory did a great job throwing out the ball, especially for someone who just finished eight rounds of chemo and had spent the last two days in the hospital. He was given plenty of steroids this last trip to the hospital, so maybe that helped his throw. HA! We told him it would all be good as long as they didn’t drug test him first. After he came off the field, two little boys ran up to him wanting to know how one is chosen to throw out the first pitch of the season and Kory said, “It’s easy. Just catch cancer and go thru eight rounds of chemo.” Only our child! Thank you for all the prayers for Kory and us. Please join us in thanking God for His abundant blessings He has so richly bestowed on Kory.”

“Father, You know our hearts and the gratitude we feel for Your grace, mercy and healing for Kory. We praise You for the faith Kory and his family have shared throughout this journey. We pray your continued blessings upon this precious family and the doctors who are involved in Kory’s treatment. Thank you for loving us, for holding us close, and for the hope that is ours in Christ Jesus. In His name we pray, Amen.”

Jan Alderfer
Stephenville, Texas

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