Thursday, March 17, 2011

Series: Modern Faith Heroes

Often, we see, hear, or read about life events that shape, strengthen, or challenge people’s faith. The bible is full of faith stories from the beginning to the end and they inspire us to continue onward with our journey and are essential in our faith development. However, every once in a while we encounter a faith story that we are a part of and it transforms our lifestyle, thinking, and being.

I met George when he was in his late 30’s. He had just begun his journey with the Lord and was “on fire”, as he often put it, for Christ. One day, he came and informed me that he wanted to preach the gospel and had enrolled in Sunset School of Preaching. I was apprehensive at first because I knew tuition, a major life change, and the fact that George had not been engaged in formal studies for nearly 20 years would be big obstacles to overcome. Eventually, I realized that it was only fitting for preaching to be the next phase of his journey. I couldn’t think of anyone better suited to spread the “Good News” than George. He kind of had a way of capturing your attention while speaking.

George was aware of the obstacles he faced, but he never let those things dampen his spirit. I still remember the way he would smile when he talked of the challenges he faced and would say, “It’s not my will but God’s will” or “My faith is in my heavenly Father because I know he will provide”. His heart was set on preaching the gospel. Then, one Wednesday night at church, George approached me with some bad news. He had a tumor. They were going to operate and he would have to endure several rounds of chemotherapy after surgery. It would be the strong chemotherapy that weakens the body to the point that walking from the bed to the kitchen is difficult and nausea is a daily occurrence.

But George endured and with an attitude that was Christ-like. He never wavered and never doubted. After recovering from chemotherapy, he went on to attend and graduate from Sunset School of Preaching. Afterwards, God led him to the missionary field. He spent time in South America and eventually Alaska. He spread the gospel and touched many lives including my own. Not long after George landed in Alaska and to many folks sorrow, the cancer returned and George passed away.

So why is this story special you ask? Many people have cancer and overcome many obstacles in the process…you say. Yes, they do. However, I don’t know if they do so with an understanding of their relationship with God and God’s purpose for them. George understood perfectly. You see, George was constantly asking me to pray for him. Every conversation I had with him ended with a prayer request. But, he would never ask me to pray for the cancer to be removed, he would only ask me to pray for his faith to be strengthened. He would say, “I not afraid to die because it is not my will but God’s will. I’m not a rich man and I don’t have a lot of material possessions to pass along, all I have is my faith”.

He passed along a faith that was as rich as a king’s treasury and stronger than any army. I miss George del Bosque, but I’m thankful God placed him in my life. He still inspires me to journey onward, no matter how bleak the future looks. .

While Paul was in prison in Rome, he penned these words in a letter to the Philippians. “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two…“ Philippians 1:21-23

Father, grant me vision to see past the obstacles. Bless me with courage to carry on and endure the setbacks. May I be mindful of the honor it is to endure these hardships for your cause and remember those who have endured and gone on before me. In Christ, Amen.

Todd Adams

Dublin, TX


  1. Jorge Del Bosque was a beautiful and inspirational person. We were blessed to know him here in Alaska and to see how many lives he touched in a short time. Thank you for reminding us of his great faith.

  2. I love how Jorge lived in God's will. What an example for all of us!! Thanks for sharing your memories.

  3. Jorge was such an inspiration to all of us.. I and my family will never forget our time at sunset, or the impact he had on our lives.. he will be remembered always with a smile, His zeal for life and God was awesome.. ;)
