Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Series of Contrasts

But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.  Ephesians 2:13

God’s plan of salvation is a fascinating series of contrasts.  Under the old covenant, Jewish priests slaughtered and sacrificed perfect lambs on an altar for the sins of the people.  Not just once, but regularly because this kind of sacrifice only atoned for, or “covered over,” their sins for the time being.  This shedding of blood was a necessary part of forgiveness and salvation.  Why?  Because God said so.

God’s people now live under a new covenant, but sacrifice remains a key element in our salvation.   God came to earth in human form as Jesus, the Son of God.  He was tempted in every way we are, but never sinned (Hebrews 4:15).  He was THE perfect sacrificial Lamb who died for our sins, and the Bible says He died once for everyone (I Peter 3:18).

Bloodshed usually means war, murder, physical trauma, injury or death.  In contrast, the shedding of Jesus’ blood on the cross means peace, tolerance, healing, and eternal life.

Under the old law the priests’ white robes were soaked with blood at the end of their workday.  Under the new law we were dirty from our sins, but Jesus’ sacrificial death makes us a “royal priesthood” (I Peter 2:9), and our robes are, “made white in the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:14).

Isn’t God amazing?  His plan for our salvation is a paradox where death means life!  We were far off, but His blood brings us near.

Father, your plan for our salvation continues to unfold in fascinating ways.  Guide us through each step and help us understand your will for us.   We’ve done nothing to deserve your love or merit your forgiveness but we are truly thankful for Jesus’ willingness to die in our place, to take away our sins, so we can live with you forever.   Amen  

Sandra Milholland
Abilene, Texas

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