Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wisdom from Proverbs

Today I was reading Proverbs 6:16-17, which begins, six things the Lord hates and 7 things that are detestable to Him. I thought to myself, surely I am not guilty of any of these infractions. The Spirit pulled me into reading them anyway. As I examined the scripture closely and dwelled on the meaning of the words, I realized these scriptures had something to say to me.

The following are the 7 things that are detestable to Him and the wisdom that I gained from each.
Haughty eyes- which means proud, vain, arrogance, scornful and self –satisfied
Lying tongue- anything said that is not completely the truth.
Hands that shed innocent blood-to attack and harm the innocent
A heart that devises wicked schemes-to form or arrange in the mind something contrary to God’s will. For example: going to internet sites or television programs that we know are not wholesome. Planning to cause disaster or harm or a negative outcome to an enemy.
Feet that are quick to rush into evil- Consider your friends are planning to shun or gang up on a person who does not fit in and you are right there with them. 
A false witness who pours out lies- you walk into the middle of something going on. You are a witness of a partial event, but in your mind you fill in the gaps with your own bias, which is possibly not true. Now you spread the entire story as truth.
A man who stirs up dissention- you see things from your own perspective without taking the time to consider another person’s thoughts, feelings or background. When something is going on that you don’t like you talk to others and openly discuss why you don’t like it. You cast a negative light on the other person or persons. You attempt to rally others to your side.

I saw myself in the very first one, I am guilty at times of being vain and self satisfied. Would it turn out well if God examined you? Could you deceive Him as you might deceive men? Job 13:9 This scripture laid up against my life reaffirmed how much I am in need of God’s mercy. I am thankful that I have that mercy and that I can sleep at night knowing I am forgiven.  I need to share that mercy and the story of God’s redemptive plan with others.

Prayer:  Father God, I want to live my life pleasing to you. My heart is deceitful at times and I rationalize  evil behavior.  I am thankful that your word is living and active and that it pierces my soul. Convict me of any wickedness within me and remove it. Thank you for your mercy and forgiveness! Give me an opportunity to share your mercy and grace with someone in my path today.  In the name of Jesus, Amen

Terry Smith
Stephenville, Texas

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