Monday, May 21, 2012

When Grace Meets Our Memories

"I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ.  They only heard the report:  'The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.  And they praised God because of me.'"  (Galatians 1:22-24)  

Have you ever taken a long, hard look at yourself and wondered how God could possibly love you, a sinner?  

I talked with a man serving time for multiple counts of child molestation that happened over many years. Tearfully he said, “I’ve been told there’s no hope for someone like me.  Folks say I’ll never change.  I wish I could die and get it over with.”  Listening, I remembered why God came to earth in human form as Jesus, and why He died on the cross. He did it for this man…and for you and for me.  Sin is sin and we’re all guilty.

I replied, “Most people would agree with you, but God doesn’t.  God changes people.  Not by their own strength and determination, but by His power.” 

According to Galatians 1:23 people weren’t sure the Apostle Paul had changed either.  He had a bad reputation as an enemy of Christ’s church.  Read Acts 7:51-60 where Stephen was stoned to death by an angry mob.  Paul was there, “giving approval to his [Stephen’s] death” (verse 60).

I’ll bet Paul had nightmares about that.  I’ll bet he never forgot the whack and thud of stone on bone and Stephen’s cries for God not to hold them accountable for his murder.  But when Paul met God, he couldn’t stay the same.  God changed him.  Paul’s zeal to destroy Christianity paled in comparison to his zeal for spreading Christ’s message of forgiveness and lifestyle changes.  

God, we ask for your Spirit’s guidance in our lives so our eyes can behold you, our hearts can embrace you, and our lives reflect you so we can say like Paul, “And they praised God because of me.”

Sandra Milholland
Abilene, Texas

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