Thursday, May 24, 2012

Come to Your Senses

In Luke 15:11-24, Jesus teaches about a self-indulgent son making poor choices. With his pockets full of inherited wealth, the son decides he needs to have some “fun” away from parental supervision.  However, even a wealthy amount of money will eventually run out if not replenished.  When the money runs out, so do the good-time friends.  The son is now a poor, hungry man in a foreign land, with no support, no opportunities, and no hope.  Selfish indulgences can be short-sighted.  Long-term goals are often disregarded when we self-centeredly try to satisfy our sensual desires.

The son is at a decisive crossroad.  What will he do next?  He can continue his quest for independence with no money.  Or, if he wants to share in the father’s blessings, he must decide to return home.  At what point will he become too hungry or too lonely?  When will he overcome his sense of embarrassment?  When will he decide to give up his pride and humble himself?  The story tells us that the son “came to his senses” (Luke 15:17).  Fortunately, there is a compassionate father waiting for him back home.

Do you ever get in this predicament?  When will the solution become clear to you?  Do you need to "come to your senses" and come home to the Father?

Dear Father, please make it clear to me that I need you.  My blessings, my security, and my hope all originate from your compassionate heart.  Forgive me when I squander my inheritance.  Help me to live in humility, as an obedient child.  In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Carl Smith
Stephenville, Texas

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