Thursday, July 14, 2011

Theme: Repentance: Can We Say That?

Those Beautiful Examples

God’s beautiful blessings and life lessons come to us in all shapes and sizes:
One truth, He gently and faithfully teaches me through the humility and heart of our daughter-Really, His daughter.  Her example teaches me many things about God and life.  Thank You, Father, for people and parables that teach us Your truth in living color.

Few minutes pass after a trespass, before a tender, broken heart emerges from her room to confess sinful behavior.  Even when the recipient of her anger is her dear pet Schnauzer…  

Sometimes when patience is thin and stress is high, this young teen expresses anger and frustration through unkind words or tone.  Then she retreats to be alone.   Faithfully, she returns to apologize and confess.  Oh, how I long for the humility and tender heart she possesses-the heart and faith of a child.

I wonder what is happening in that aloneness time…is this when the Holy Spirit speaks words of truth to her stressed-out heart and mind?  Does He gently remind her of all God’s love and mercy and grace, calling her back to the road less traveled – the narrow path of His way, so foreign to our “flesh” that is proud, arrogant and stubborn?  I don’t know for sure, but I’m so thankful for this living example of confession and humility.  (She gave me permission to use this example).

Another example I’ve witnessed of “confession to one another” is through Celebrate Recovery meetings.  How blessed are those who attend!  First, we meet together to enjoy food and fellowship, followed by a time of worship and instruction from God’s Word.  We then split into smaller groups and end the evening  celebrating the things that we are thankful to God for.  Each person takes a turn voluntarily sharing “what I celebrate today is…”  The second round is a discussion of “what I have struggled with today.”  This celebration and confession time lightens the load and binds us together as fellow sojourners in life.  Admitting our struggles and faults to one another reinforces the fact that we are not alone in our habits, hurts and hang-ups.  Praying that night and into the week for individuals with whom we have shared a personal struggle, strengthens us and, empowers us through His Spirit at work in us. 

Acts gives us another example of confession:
Many also of those who had believed kept coming, confessing and disclosing their practices.  
And many of those who practiced magic brought their books together and beg.”  Acts 19:18-20
an burning them in the sight of all, and they counted up the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.  So the Word of the LORD was growing mightily and prevailing

Confession to one another is powerful, but requires transparency and risk.  God instructs us to confess to one another (James 5:16 ).  Because of His boundless love for us,  we can trust Him in this practice.  It will benefit us, bind us together and bolster our accountability.  In recent years, much buzz has circulated about “accountability groups.”  Sharing our weakness with another person can be scary, but it strengthens our faith journey.  Have you noticed how God’s Word leads us into so many “one another” activities.
  Love one another (John 13:34)  Honor one another (Romans 12:10)
  Encourage one another (2 Cor. 13:11)
  Serve one another (Gal. 5:13)
  Bear one another’s burdens (Eph. 4:2) 

Many instructions about ministering to one another are scattered throughout Scripture. It is clear He doesn’t desire we “go it alone.”  Just as the example in Acts 19, God’s Word grows mightily and prevails.  His Word empowers us to do as He commands. His Word continues to spread through the obedience of His followers. 

Let us:
Be part of His confessing army.
Submit the costly “magic” books to burn (whatever form they take in this life).
Rely on Him.
And share the journey with one another

Most Holy Father and Giver of all good things,Bring us humbly to confess to You and one to another the sin that entangles our hearts and mind. May Your Word be our light, shining on the dark corners of our heart.  Bring unrealized sin to our recognition.  May we repent and confess in humility and sorrow of all sin.  Thank You for the precious people You have placed in our lives to walk beside us, encourage us, and hear our “sins” confessed.  Seal our lips and hearts against gossip or judgment when we are entrusted with the confession of another.  Let us pray for one another.  May we live to bring honor and glory to your name.
In Jesus precious holy name, amen. 

Mischelle Oliver
Stephenville, Texas

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mischelle. And Chenille.
