Friday, July 8, 2011

Theme: Need Some Encouragement?

The Slight Edge

Jeff Olson’s secret to a successful life is “The Slight Edge”.   He says, “It’s the philosophy that is the secret ingredient.  Your philosophy is what you know, how you hold it, and how it affects what you do.  A positive philosophy turns into a positive attitude, which turns into positive actions, which turns into positive results, which turns into a positive lifestyle.”

I think the “slight edge” describes the faith of my twelve year old great-nephew, Kory.  In his twelve years, Kory has created many stories.  I have often suggested that his Mom write a book of “Kory’s Stories”. Over the past year, through Care Pages, she has written a book that describes the faith of a child, her son, who has demonstrated a deep rooted faith through the trials associated with nine rounds of chemo for adrenal cancer.  

This past weekend our family celebrated the reveal of Kory’s wish which was granted by the Make a Wish Foundation.  Kory’s wish was for a make-over of his Nanny’s backyard.  Several years ago, Hurricane Rita had uprooted three large trees and demolished her back yard.   He wanted a place to be able to swim and play with his friends.  Last Friday, much to his surprise, Kory, was visited by a couple of policemen who told him they were going to escort him to a party where his “wish” would be revealed.   Many of

Kory’s friends and family were there at his Nanny’s house to greet him when he arrived in a silver limousine with vehicles from the Sheriff’s Department in front and back, sirens blaring all the way.  Needless to say, Kory was shocked to find that his wish had already been granted.  Representatives who had been working to carry out his wish were overwhelmed by the support of volunteers from their community who had worked to bring together the completion of the project.  They had put a canopy over the pool, had planted a vegetable garden and landscaped the entire backyard with trees, shrubs and flowers.  He said it was far beyond anything he could have imagined.  

I believe as Christians we all have the “slight edge”.  I realize this when I read passages like the one in Romans 8:31-39 which tells us there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God.  

 “Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love?  Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or are hungry or cold or in danger or threatened with death? . . . No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us.  And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love.  Death can’t, and life can’t.  The angels can’t and the demons can’t.  Our fears for today, or worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away.  Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  

“Our loving God and Father, we are in awe of the wonders of your love.  We are reminded continually of your presence through the beauties of nature that surround us and of your love shown through the lives of your faithful children.  Thank you for Kory and for his loving family.  We are blessed and inspired as we see your Spirit in them.  Thank you for giving us the “slight edge” as we experience trials in this life.  Above all, we thank you for Jesus, for his life, his willingness to die so that we might live eternally with you and for his resurrection which gives us the hope and assurance of a home with you when we have completed our journey here.  It is through his name we pray, Amen.”

Jan Alderfer
Stephenville, TX

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