Friday, June 24, 2011

Theme: A Week with Peter

Second Chances

He had disowned his Lord and they had killed him.  He was ready to fight and die for Jesus.  He had drawn his sword and struck, yet Jesus did something that he did not understand.  Instead of fighting for his kingdom Jesus made him put his sword away.   Peter didn’t understand.  Why would you allow this cowardly mob to take you and jeopardize your rightful place as King?   Peter followed the mob in a daze at the chain of events.  He was abruptly confronted about being with Jesus and as fear gripped him he denied it.  Another confronted him and Peter said he didn’t know Jesus.  The third time he cursed in his denial.  And then he heard it.  The rooster crowed and deep inside he felt an agony that tore his heart and soul apart.  He ran away in shame, broken-hearted at what he had done.  In the days afterward he replayed it over and over.  How could he have betrayed and abandoned him?   Jesus is dead as is his kingdom.    

What Peter heard from the women was too good to be true.  He ran to the tomb to find it empty, but still he couldn’t bring himself to believe.   Then Jesus came to them all behind closed doors.  Peter was overjoyed to see his Master.  Hope was reborn, yet Peter held back.  Feeling the guilt of his betrayal he just couldn’t approach him.  Jesus returned a week later appearing to them and speaking directly to Thomas about not doubting.  Peter was elated to see his Lord again, but he had huge doubts.  His feelings of worthlessness and shame were like a vice.   To clear his head and have time to think Peter decided to go fishing.  Several of the others came along and they fished all night with no luck.   As Peter sat in the boat in the early  morning he  noticed a man walking down the shore.  The man called out “Friends, haven’t you any fish”.  When they say no he says to try the other side of the boat.  They oblige the request and the catch is huge.   Immediately Peter’s heart skips a beat as he sees the bulging net of fish and realizes this has happened before.   Some 3 years before Peter had met Jesus for the first time after fishing all night.  Jesus had given some fishing advice then followed by the same results, a huge catch.  “Could it be” Peter thinks to himself?  At that moment his fishing partner John leans over and says “It is the Lord”.  

His mind flashes back to another time he is in a boat. To get to Jesus he must get in the water. This time there is no hesitation and he jumps in.  Peter reaches the shore and sees that Jesus has breakfast ready with bread and fish hot off the coals.  The group eats in silence and Peter feels the awkwardness of being so close to Jesus but saying nothing.   Jesus breaks the silence and speaks directly to Peter.   “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?”  Three times he asks the question and three times Peter says yes Lord.  The third time Peter’s feelings are hurt.   All he has wanted since leaving everything was to be with Jesus, to serve him and yes, even die for him.   With each of Peter’s affirmations of his love Jesus responds for him to feed his sheep and tells Peter his life, his service, and yes Peter your death will glorify God.  Now “follow me”.   A flood of relief, of gratitude, of reverence comes over Peter as he realizes Jesus has not given up on him.  He is calling him again to another special mission.  Instead of fishing for men he will be feeding sheep.    

Lord help me remember that my denials of You do not cause You to give up on me.  Give me wisdom to realize that my weaknesses and lack of understanding of who You are and what Your will is do not cause You to abandon me.  Lord, help me know you will never forsake me even when I forsake You, and that Your plans for me will succeed despite my failures.  May you be glorified in my life.

Scotty Elston
Shallowater, Texas


  1. Scotty, I love the way you put this. I've never looked at Peter's story as he himself might have replayed it - from meeting Jesus, to 3 years of learning to know and love Him, to denying Him, to forgiving himself.
    This whole "week with Peter" has given me much to think about.

  2. Thank you for this post. Your heartfelt prayer is a great encouragement to me.
