Friday, December 24, 2010

Feasting on the Word

Series: Hungering for the Word

The awesome beauty of God’s creation was evident in the lunar eclipse that occurred this week. Earlier in the evening the sky was filled with clouds hanging in lovely shades of pink and purple after the sunset. The sight was truly breathtaking. The view was ours for the taking, a once in a lifetime experience. God’s presence is all around us just waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. Whether we are skiing in the mountains, basking in the sun on a beach, enjoying a beautiful sunset or counting the colors of a rainbow, we have a choice. We may choose to see God in all His glory, or we may be oblivious to the beauty that surrounds us.

Hungering for the Word is a similar choice. We may choose to feast or we may be content to nibble on a few bites here and there. I grew up in a home where daily Bible reading was as much a part of our routine as the delicious meals my mother so lovingly prepared. We had workbooks with lessons to prepare for Sunday Bible classes and were expected to learn the “memory verses.” We took pride in being counted among the Daily Bible Readers each week.

I am grateful for the traditions and habits instilled by loving, faithful parents. I am thankful for the security of being reared in a Christian home. However, I remember a day, when I, as a young wife and mother, realized that I needed to take responsibility for my salvation. I earnestly prayed that I would hunger for the Word. I believe hungering for the Word means that “[l]ike newborn babies you should crave–thirst for, earnestly desire–the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto salvation.” (I Peter 2:2).

Father, we know that in the beginning was the Word. He is the Life and Light that is eternal. We praise You, God, for creating us in Your image! We praise You for the hope of salvation that comes through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. May we hunger for Your Word and feast at the table You have prepared for us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Jan Alderfer
Stephenville, Texas

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