Thursday, February 6, 2014

Outrage for What?

Then Jesus said to them, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and give to God the things that are God’s.” - Matthew 22:21

When Jesus came, the people thought they finally had their earthly ruler.  They thought he was the one who would set things straight and make their lives better.  They thought Jesus was there to rule their nation not realizing he was there to rule their lives.  

I am sometimes saddened, sometimes dumbfounded today by the desire I often hear expressed for “Christian leadership” for our nation and for government intervention in spiritual matters.  Prayer in schools.  Ten Commandments posted on government buildings.  Abortion.  Those are just three hot-button issues I hear many Christians calling on government to fix/change/enact yet I do not remember Christ ever calling on the government for such things.  Christ has never called governments to comply; he has called people, individuals, to follow him and be his disciples.

Too often I hear the outrage when children cannot officially gather to pray and read scripture in schools.  Where is the outrage when they are not coming together as families in their own homes to do this?  I hear outrage when the Ten Commandments are removed from a building.  Comments often follow saying “we need more discipline” and “we should follow a Christian example”.  Where is the outrage when porn shows up on a computer, when men and women look at over-sexed pictures in magazines and eye someone with lustful thoughts?  Where is the outrage when self-proclaimed Christians gossip about the latest town scandal, yell and talk about the coach’s perceived bad decision and pass judgment on others who don’t dress, drive or act “properly”?  And then there’s abortion.  Abortion is horrible and it is so easy to pass judgment on the women who choose this option.  It raises two questions for me.  First, where were the loving disciples of Christ in her life before this became a choice she made?  Second, how do disciples of Christ condemn her for her choice and walk away when she may be at her most vulnerable point?  Where is Christ’s example for that?  

I admit I find it easy to talk down to people who call themselves Christian but call on government to do the things Christ called individuals to be and do.  I find it easy because I am not far removed from being one of those people (and far from perfect yet).  I knew doctrine but I didn’t know compassion.  I knew what was right but I didn’t know unconditional love for others.  Over the past few years I have come to know so many others who were much like me and we all look back and say “what if?” but also know we have to be present and say “what now?”

Prayer in school and signs on buildings and baby Jesus on the town square and the end of abortion are all wonderful things.  They just aren’t the things Jesus called me
to petition government intervention for as his disciple.  He called for my intervention.  He called for my action.

I encourage you to be outraged with me if, like me, you haven’t done what a disciple should be doing;  praying and studying with my children, being the hands and feet of Jesus to the world around me and being vulnerable to whatever God calls you to with no regard to how dirty or detestable it seems.  Let’s be outraged and let’s be moved to change, to take on the mantle of Christ, to be a living example of who he is.  Let us be outraged where love and compassion for the hurting and wounded doesn’t exist and let us be light and life to those who need it the most.

Jesus called me to be his disciple.  He called you too.  He told us to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s.  My life and my energy and my submission to him is his.  I just have to decide if I will give it or ask the government to do it for me.  What about you?

Jeff Jones
Decatur, Texas

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