Thursday, July 11, 2013


The news is so discouraging, isn’t it? Every day, a new threat…a new disease…a new worry. Our borders are open…our enemies are stronger…our dollars are falling…the weather is threatening…prices are rising…taxes are up…our savings are shrinking…our rights are eroding…asteroids  come close and now the danger of solar flares.

How do you prepare for every possible danger? The plan for a flood is different from a fire. Bullets won’t stop a pandemic. If the dollar dies, what good is saving? How can I possibly know the future? How can I plan for every possibility? How can I be everywhere? How can I have the power to meet any obstacle? I can’t! That’s the bad news. The good news is there is someone who can!

In the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew 6, Jesus said, “Do not be anxious” (verse 25). He says it is a waste of effort (verse 27). He says God takes care of plants and birds and He will take care of you (verse 28-30). He says pagans worry about that stuff (verse32). He says your Father knows what you need (verse 32). He says we have plenty of troubles in the present. Do not borrow from the future (verse 34).

Trusting God is not easy but it is possible. Hard, but possible. Trying to get a handle on the future is impossible.

Dear Heavenly Father, before time began, You were there. You created all things and made provisions of every circumstances. You are never surprised or bewildered. You are everywhere…know everything…and have all power. You are God!  Why don’t I trust You? Why do I keep trying to run my life? I am such a sinner! I need Your forgiveness and fellowship. I need Your protection.  I believe You, help my unbelief. Thank You for forgiveness. Thank You for Jesus. Please give me the peace that passes understanding. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Paul Shero

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