Saturday, June 29, 2013

On the High Horse

Every time I get ready to shut down my Facebook account, something good gets posted.  I have one friend who posts a morning prayer.  I have another friend who posts a blurb about his morning coffee and Bible reading.  I have friends who post pictures of children, trips, grandbabies - all good stuff.

I have friends who make me want to push the mythical “dislike” button.  Friends who are self-professed Christians (I use that term in that they identify as Christians, I am not making judgments about them) who have plenty to say on both sides of issues like Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman, the recent Texas abortion legislative efforts, President Obama and Paula Deen.  Some of these good people see racism in every ruling.  Others see acceptable actions and words being used.  Some see choice as a good thing, others do not.  I can’t repeat what some say about the President and poor Paula is vilified or exalted.  She has got to be tired from that rollercoaster.  Yes, there are plenty of opinions on Facebook and Twitter and other sites.  A few of them are thought-provoking.  Most come across as self-aggrandized and/or self-righteous.  Either way, I wonder how God feels about much of what is said.

Oh, don’t get me wrong.  I am certainly not perfect.  While I haven’t walked in George Zimmerman’s shoes and killed someone physically, I certainly worry about what I may have done to some people spiritually.  Either through words or actions, I fear I have driven some further away from Jesus, not closer to Him.  What happens when Christ-followers quit playing the race card and quit advocating for self-defense and pray that God heals people in ways our justice system cannot come close to?  What happens when Christ-followers pray in the spirit of forgiveness and compassion instead of calling out the evils we see through our own experience?
Last week, Wendy Davis became a hero to abortion advocates and the enemy of conservatives and many people professing to follow Christ.  For the record, I believe abortion kills an unborn child.  It is plain and simple to me.  I find it ironic that people who advocate so hard for gun control or often the same people advocating so hard for the “choice” to take a life for convenience.  What would happen if Christ-followers came together to pray for the hearts of the women who choose abortion and the medical people who provide them?  What would happen if folks shut their mouths, quit typing and just prayed for God to perform what seems like a miracle?

Barack Obama and Paula Deen are easy targets for the media.  Their lives are on a stage and there are lots of people who disagree with things they have said, sometimes said years ago.  Wow, if some of you knew all the things I have said you might quit reading this post.  How I wish I could reel so many words spoken in anger and spoken in ignorance back into my mouth never to be heard or, at least, completely forgotten.  What if Christ-followers came together to pray for healing, to pray for a fresh start, to pray for compassion and acceptance?

There is an old phrase that should pop up every time someone opens their mouth, or Facebook.  
There, but for the grace of God, go I.

Father, give us a desire to be peacemakers.  Fill us with strength and courage to shut our mouths and open our hearts.  Give us the ability to see all your children the way you see them, to love all your children the way you love them, to be merciful and graceful to all your children the way you are to me.  Cover us in healing love.

Grace and peace.

Jeff Jones

Decatur, Texas

1 comment:

  1. God's focus is not our focus. We see an earthly kingdom, He calls us to His spiritual kingdom. Day to day we should look to Him more and realize this world is not our home.
