Friday, June 8, 2012

Faithful God

He observed as the people gave, then He beheld her.
He knew the depth of love for her Lord.
He delighted in the measure of faith she possessed.
He watched her give all she had into the temple treasury.
She trusted the Lord her God to provide for her future.
For the present, she chose to give all she had.
Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-3
So little flour-So little oil-So little hope.
She planned one last, small meal for she and her son.
The man asked for water and a piece of bread.
She followed his instructions and generously
gave him the bread she had prepared.  Amazingly, just as he
said, the jar did not run out of flour nor the
jug out of oil.   There was food for the prophet Elijah,
and for her family; not just a meal,  but every day.
1 Kings 17:10-16
After 7 brief years of marriage, she lived as a widow.
She never left in the temple, worshiped day and night.
She fasted, she prayed.  Now at the age of 84, her eyes beheld
the young Messiah at the temple.  She gave thanks to God, and
proclaimed it to all who listened.
Luke 2:36-38

Three women, each through faith gave sacrificially; each realized the faithfulness of God.

Faithful God and Holy Father,
Grow our faith.  Loosen the grip we have our pocketbooks-our only security is You.  Father, open our hearts and homes to freely share any possession to bless another soul.  Abba, open our eyes to see our days are best spent investing them in Your eternal purposes.  Thank You, Faithful One, for every example in Your Holy Word, and for the faithful lives living among us today.  May we look to Jesus, His life, His faith and His sacrifice to grow our faith-to give sacrificially.
Through Him, amen.

Mischelle Oliver
Stephenville Tx

1 comment:

  1. God is ready and waiting to show such power, such great revelations of Himself; yet I am not willing to believe completely, trust completely. I always want to keep a plan B, just in case God doesn't show up,isn't there. And He honors my request.
