Sunday, March 11, 2012

Theme: James 3:1-18


James devotes the third chapter of his letter to the tongue (i.e., speech!).  How could something so small cause so much trouble?  Words we speak break friendships, end marriages, start wars and split churches.  Our tongues ruin our reputations, hurt our friends, get us fired and make our lives unbearable.

James was right when he said that large forests are burned down by small fires. We start things with our words that can’t be controlled later. He was also right when he said that no one could control the tongue. It is easier to tame a grizzly bear or train a killer whale than control our tongue. And it’s so predictable. One minute you’re praying and the next you are cursing. What can you do?

Jesus said, “For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” It’s like this—You have a big bucket filled completely to the rim. You attempt to carry it through a crowd. When you get bumped, you slosh out on the floor whatever is in the bucket. Since your mouth will speak whatever is in your heart, and since you cannot control your mouth, you must control what you put in your heart.

James says, “What comes out of the spring, is what is in the spring.” So we must fill our heart with that which is pure, peaceable, gentle, full of mercy and good works. Then when a word slips out, we have nothing to worry about.

Dear Lord, You, who are so holy, there is no sin in You. Your words are always true. I praise your name. I am ashamed when I think of the other things that have come out of my mouth. You not only hear my words, but you know my heart. “Create in me a new heart, O God!” Please forgive the evil I have stored in it. Wash me clean. Thank you for Jesus and His blood. Make the thoughts of my heart and the words of my mouth be a blessing and never a curse.   In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen

Paul Shero
San Angelo, Texas

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