Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Theme: James 3

Use Words With Care!

I am sharing today from James 3:2-10.  These scriptures relate the power of the tongue for evil. James is warning us how much damage can be done with our tongue.  He tells us no man can tame the tongue and that it is full of deadly poison.  Just in case we think we have it all together where our words are concerned, he tells us, anyone who is never at fault in what he says is a perfect man. We know we are not perfect.  James reminds us how this small part of the body is like a rudder on a ship. Even though strong winds come, this small rudder controls the direction of the ship.

After meditating on these verses the last couple weeks I realized how important it is for all of us to be familiar with these scriptures and take them to heart.  One thing we all do is speak hundreds of words every day!  These words of warning are relevant to every one of us.
“Death and life lies in the power of the tongue”. Prov. 18:21

“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing”. Prov. 12:18
Realizing the potential deadly poison within my tongue, made me slow down more than usual and think about the affect of my words on others.  I had a heightened awareness of the impact of my words at work and at home.  Those within my home need my kind, gracious, uplifting words more than anyone!  The words I speak in my home have great influence on those I love.

Every word has the power to hurt or to heal. What did yours do today?

The tongue is like a spark that can set off a forest fire. By our speech we can turn harmony into chaos, throw mud on a reputation or curse those made in the image of God.  It has the power to corrupt our whole body.  Sometimes we don’t realize how powerful our words are…we can make someone cry…we can make someone smile.  Words can shatter someone’s dreams.
Take time to think before you speak.

Allow the Spirit of God to use the power of the tongue for good.  Use your words to encourage someone, bring hope and cheer, promote love and reconcile relationships.  God is willing and able to give us the words to radically change our message and our affect upon the world.

In closing, I want to share a video, “The Power of Words” illustrating how a few words can change a situation.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzgzim5m7oU

Dear Lord, take control of my words today. Give me words that encourage others and give them hope!  In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Terry Smith
Stephenville TX

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