Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Game Changers

She left a comfortable city life to follow an Adventurer.  Her beauty was legendary and caused Kings to part with their riches.  Her husband was going to be the leader of a great nation; she, his queen.  Her children were to inherit great riches and land.  

I am sure Sarah wanted what most women wanted:  children, a home, and security.  However, her life was anything but secure, and she spent her first 90 years barren.  Having those circumstances before her and a life of unmet expectations could easily have resulted in her abandoning Abraham and his quest with God. But, Sarah did the difficult thing.  She didn’t give way to fear, but courageously walked through life submitting her will to God and to her husband.

1 Peter 3:5-6 tells us of Sarah’s faith and submission.
5 For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves. They submitted themselves to their own husbands, 6 like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her lord. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.

Our culture today rages against the home, stealing its joy and leaving it devastated by resentment and dissatisfaction.  The Deceiver tucks many newlyweds into bed with a blanket of fear.  Its fabric is woven from an imagined loss of freedom, materialism, unrealized dreams, and self-centeredness.  It isn’t long before one or both people begin looking elsewhere for satisfaction. Again, Satan easily provides an escape through explicit TV shows and movies, networking sites, and many other alluring past times.  He defines “wife” and “mother” as an over-whelmed, under-valued, angry person.  

Ladies, have you ever felt resentment for giving up a career in order to start a family? Ever wondered if college was a waste of time and money?  Or felt like you weren’t living up to your “full potential” while changing diapers and making suppers?

We know that nothing worth having or doing in this life is going to be easy.  It is the process of going through challenging times and trusting God when we despair that allows us to be triumphant and realize our FULLEST potential.  This realization makes it easier.  There is glory in this role…there is power and joy to behold.  God didn’t mean for it to be drudgery and pain.  Jesus came to make our burdens lighter not heavier.  WE are the game changers, ladies! Let’s be like the woman in the cartoon where Satan is looking on at a lady getting out of bed and saying, “Great, she’s up!”  

Wives are called to submit; but what does that mean and how do you do it?  God has thankfully shown us His plan.  The Apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 5:33:
However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

God recently used the book, Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires and The Respect He Most Deserves, by Emmerson Eggerichs to transform my understanding of biblical submission and respect.  Eggerichs makes a good case for Ephesians 5:33 not only telling husbands to unconditionally love their wives, but for wives to unconditionally respect their husbands.  “Unconditional respect?!” you say… impossible, right?  Surely, God didn’t mean it…but, I believe he did.  I also believe he shows us a great example in Sarah.

It was Sarah’s role as Abraham’s helpmeet to do whatever she could to facilitate his leadership in their home.  She respected his wishes even in the face of dangerous enemies.  She was even taken to be a part of Pharaoh’s harem!  I can’t imagine a more scary or hopeless situation.  The point is this:  God never forgot her, her circumstances, or his promise.  Even when husbands don’t behave lovingly or act in a manner deserving respect, God can and will equip us.  Even when they act in their best interests like Abraham did, God can use us to carry out his perfect plans.  Through Him, we are able!

Isaiah 54:5
For your Maker is your husband— the LORD Almighty is his name— the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth.   

Prayer:  Father God, thank you for the splendid role of wife and mother.  As my baby cries in the next room, my toddler yearns for my attention and supper is burning…I know you are in control and leading me through it all.  Thank you for the joy-filled moments, the loving cuddles, the wonders of a loving marriage, and most importantly for Jesus, who makes it all possible.  Amen.

Dana Jaworski
Anchor Point
, AK

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