Thursday, September 1, 2011

He's Coming Back!

Just In “A Case”

When I was a young girl, I was fortunate to grow up in a small town. The majority of my family all lived in the same town, creating a wonderfully tight nit group. Both sets of my grandparents, a great grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins… we were all not too far from one another. Often times we would gather together on the weekends at grandma and grandpa Puckett’s to eat, play and catch lightning bugs. On such occasions, my family of four would load up for the short drive across town. My arrival to the family car was always met with the same expression on my mothers face and the question.” What is that for” she would ask as I would climb in with my little red suitcase in tow. I somehow always found a moment to pack my little red suitcase “just in a case” grandma needed me to stay. I always wanted to be prepared for whatever circumstance I might luck myself into.

As I think about Matthew 25: 31 – 46 I can’t help but think that we all need to be prepared, just “in a case” we cross paths with those situations or individuals that are opportunities for us as Christians. We are to be prepared to reach those who are hungry, thirsty, lonely, poor and sick. I believe that the heart of the matter boils down to how we will handle ourselves when the Lord allows those opportunities to pass in front of us. It sounds so easy to be prepared and feed those who are hungry or clothe those who need clothing. But as we all know, life gets busy and time can be scarce. How do we prepare for our Heavenly Father to return to claim his sheep and separate the righteous to his right hand side?

“The king will reply. “I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Perhaps we should find ourselves prepared in scripture and prayer, but choose to start out small. Make a commitment to utilize the talent you have in your “little red suitcase.”  Is it cooking, speaking, inviting, writing…. Just make a difference to one individual or allow that next opportunity to be yours. I believe that if we start somewhere – somewhere small – we will be amazed at how God allows our spirit to grow.

I believe that my Heavenly Father will return to the Earth He created. He will claim the righteous and call us out as sheep to enter His kingdom for eternal life.

This southern girl knows that a glass of tea to the thirsty, a clean pillow to the poor or a handshake to the lonely can do one good. But I also now see that those gestures might just be more of an opportunity for me to show Jesus to the recipients. I am going to strive to have my little red suitcase ready “just in a case” I have an opportunity come my way.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I believe in your plan. I believe you will return to the world that you created and claim the sheep from the goats. Let me be prepared to serve you in anyway. Thank you for my many, many blessings. In your Son's name I pray ~

Ashleigh Feuerbacher
Stephenville, Texas

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