Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pay it Forward!

Series: Encouragement

A recent trend is called “Pay it forward”. There was a novel written in 2000 about a young boy whose school teacher inspired him to do helpful things for people. He only asked those beneficiaries to “Pay it forward” and do something nice or helpful for others. The book was inspirational and spurred a nation-wide movement in the United States.

The concept of "paying it forward" was really devised more than 2000 years ago! The actions of Barnabas, which means “Son of Encouragement”, were extreme examples of paying it forward. Acts 4:36 describes the generosity of Barnabas who sold his land and gave the proceeds to help needy Christians. Barnabas accompanied Paul on his missionary journeys. He was an encouragement to Paul and to the new Christian converts. Barnabas encouraged John Mark when Paul lost patience with that young man. Barnabas could see promise in John Mark and encouraged his development as a future leader in the Church.

How can we be encouragers? It does not require the extreme examples demonstrated by Barnabas to encourage other people. It only takes observation and perhaps as little as a smile, a hug or a handshake. Job 29:24 says “I smiled on them when they had no confidence; and the light of my countenance they did not extinguish.” This was an example of Job being an encourager. I recommend you read all of Chapter 29 of Job for a long list of Job’s actions to “Pay it forward” and encourage others.

Have you ever noticed that most people in Walmart are not smiling? It is fun to flash smiles at people in Walmart and get smiles in return. It takes very little effort on our part and may have a positive impact on someone you pass in the aisle. You may even exert a bit more effort and speak a kind word. It might take you out of your comfort zone, but baby steps of encouraging others can help build your confidence and ability to give an encouraging word! You don’t have to limit your sharing to Walmart, but it is a safe place to start. You might try paying for someone’s coke or sandwich at a fast food restaurant or convenience store. I assure you would make someone’s day brighter while demonstrating Christ’s love.

Lord, help me to be an encouragement to others this week and follow the examples of Barnabas and Job. Please let me observe needs that may be met with my help.

Sherilyn Svien
Stephenville, Texas

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