Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Calendar

I bought a new calendar planner.  I like it.  Each week starts on a Sunday . . . as it should and does.  A lot of new planners start each week on Monday and then tack Sunday on as the last day of the weekend.  So, I am pleased with the proper order this calendar provides.

It is also clean.  No stains, no tears.  It cries out possibilities. As I transfer birthdays, however, I notice last year's calendar is a mess.  So stained . . . so full of markouts.  There were so many emergencies that changed everything. So many plans did not work out. The whole thing is embarrassing.  I made a little progress, but I see I'm basically the same old me.

And I need help.  Divine intervention.  I know what David meant when he said, "Create in me a clean heart..."  And I am glad the Lord said, "Behold, I make all things new."

So as I fill in this new calendar;  as I make solemn resolutions to do a lot better this year . . .
    I would really like to put first things first.
    I would really like to finish what I start.
    I really need that new heart God can make.

All my old calendars look the same.  Maybe this year; yes, maybe this year.  "Behold, I make all things new."

Dear God,
    You are exempt from time.  You have never made a mistake.  You are always holy.  I praise you. I also beg you to help me.  I am so sorry for the sins I have committed.  As I look forward to this new year, I want a new me to face it.  Please, create in me a new heart, oh my God.  Please give me the wisdom to make the right choices this year.  In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Paul Shero
San Angelo, Texas

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