Wednesday, December 15, 2010

People Watching

Series: The Reign of God in Our Hearts

People watch television, sporting events, the stock market, and grass grow, but have you ever just watched people. You know; people watching...It’s what you do when you’re bored, sitting on a bench at the mall or by yourself at the airport. Some may say it’s tacky, but it can be very entertaining. People will do all kinds of things in public that they don’t think anyone will notice. I won’t go through any kind of list, but it can be quite humorous. Then, sometimes people or more ironic than humorous.

For instance, the father who gets on to his daughter for sucking her thumb while he puts a big dip of snuff in his mouth or the mother who screams at her child for making a “scene”. My favorite is the “lovey dovey” boy friend who can’t keep his eyes off of every other young lady that walks past him and his girlfriend. The best part of people watching is that you can think about and criticize other people and completely avoid any self reflection at all.

Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” What if people could watch us not just at the airport or the mall, but 24/7. What ironies would they see? Better yet, where would they say that our treasure lies?

In the United States today and in churches all across this great land people are discussing how true spiritual formation occurs in people. In small groups and coffee shops from shore to shore people with frustration in their voice confess that they are stagnant in their faith. They feel as if their heart is not truly in it. There is a lot of truth to that statement. Spiritual formation begins with the heart and Jesus knew that our heart’s focus is on those things that we cherish.

What do you chase after with an unquenchable thirst? What was your last Indiana Jones moment all about? Ironic, isn’t it? There’s a correlation between the answer to that question and what our spiritual pulse is. You can be in it to win it, but if your heart isn’t in it, nothing truly formative can happen in your spiritual my spiritual life.

“O God, I can fool everyone and even myself, but there is no place too far that you are not there.

Help me to seek the kingdom of heaven and treasure the God who first loved me. Help me to love and bear fruit in the lives of those created in His image. When my flesh seeks out treasure that is fleeting and temporary give me the courage to let it all go and find true treasure in You. In Jesus name I pray, amen.”

Tanner Fain
Stephenville, Texas

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