Monday, September 12, 2011

Thank You, Shirley

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:7-8

Some people we meet while on our journey through this life stand out like a neon sign on a dark night. The light that shines from within them beams across our path and shows us where the next steps need to fall.  Her name is Shirley Eubank and the light glowing from within her made a lasting impression on me and served as a welcome guide for a portion of my journey.

When I was still fairly young in my faith, with few scrapes or bruises, I came to know Shirley. She was the wife of an elder, the mother of three, and a rock in the faith. Shirley had leukemia. Many times she would come to worship feeling nauseous or so exhausted from treatments that she could barely stand. Yet she always brought a smile with her and an encouraging word. Though she was nearly twenty-five years my senior she treated me as a close friend. She loved and encouraged me and my husband, Randy, frequently commenting on what a good lesson he preached or how blessed she was to know us. I felt warmth and love every time I was in her presence. Though it would be a few years before I experienced difficult struggles – the kind that rock your faith – I learned something from Shirley about trials that I never forgot. We were talking one day about the story of Job. Shirely had been reading the book of Job for her daily study. I knew the story of Job but Shirley had traveled inside the story of Job. One day she was talking about her illness and I was startled by something she said. She said, “Why NOT me?”

At the time, I was so impressed by her faith. It wasn’t until years later and miles traveled through life that I truly understood what she was saying.

Struggles and trials of one kind or another will fall upon all of us. Our journey is not without its share of potholes and roadblocks. The ways we see our struggle, or maybe the way we see God, can serve to strengthen or destroy our faith in God and His purposes.

During those stretches of road when I couldn’t see around the next bend and wasn’t sure I would survive the trip I had to stop and think why? Then I remembered Shirley. And so many others. I thought of Joseph and David whose lives were turned upside down by people with questionable motives. I thought about the woman at the well and the woman with the issue of blood. So many people mentioned in scripture who survived the struggle, grew in their faith, and serve as a reminder to me that my struggle may serve a greater purpose of which I’m totally unaware. For David it was to prepare him to lead a nation and leave us the beautiful prayers and songs of the Psalms. For Joseph it was to save a nation and his family. Our trials may not have such grand purposes. Or maybe they do. Perhaps the experience is to strengthen our own faith that we might endure to the end and receive the crown. Maybe it is so a loved one, friend, or even an enemy might see God.

Shirley was a simple and beautiful Christian woman living in a small west Texas town. Her strength and grace in trial helped light the path on my journey so that I might see God and His purposes.

Father, make our hearts open and willing to receive whatever comes our way knowing that you care for us and that you can see around the bend in the road. Help our hearts and minds to trust and believe you. Give us the desire to be part of your purposes here on the earth. Keep our eyes fixed on you. Amen

Heidi Daugherty
Stephenville, Texas

1 comment:

  1. Your words really inspired me. What a wonderful person to have in your life. You were so blessed. Thank you for sharing your heart in this way. I'm in ministry too and I needed these words. Thank you!
