Sunday, November 24, 2013

Is My Way the Right Way?

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. — Proverbs 16:25

I've learned, after 41 years of walking with the Lord, that just because I can get something to work, it doesn't make it right.

The verse from the word of God above is a warning that although there is a way that seems right to us, in the end it leads to death. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much that He wants us to get our hearts in the right direction for our own protection. Think about the times when we were children and we wanted something from our parents. We would act a certain way or do anything we could to cause them to cave and give in.
When we weaken someone's will to get what we want, we really are not winning anything. When we study someone, because we want to learn how to manipulate them, we have lost in love and have lost a blessing from God. Let’s look at how to make things right and do things in a way that gets us closer to God, closer to one another, and put our hearts at perfect peace.

If you're ready for a beautiful day, embrace these treasures of truth.
1.      Instead of trying to prove my point I need to prove my love.
2.      Instead of being right, I need to practice doing right to bring glory to God.
3.      Lay down my rights for someone else.
4.      Lay down my will for God’s will.

Remember the story of Jonathan and David. Jonathan was the son of King Saul and next in line to the throne, but God had anointed David to be the next king. Jonathan cared more about God’s will than his rights. Because of this, Jonathan had a cherished relationship with David and he was blessed by God.

If you are struggling with a relationship decide to put these truths into action and you will be blessed.
Father God, help me to discern what is actually right from what appears to be right. Thank you for your Word that helps me discern right from wrong. Protect me from being deceived. I ask for wisdom. Guard my heart and direct me in everything I do. Amen.

Terry Smith  Stephenville, TX

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