Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Word I Have Settled In My Heart

As a grandmother of eight, now nine, with a beautiful “grandaughter-in-love” added to the number, I love the Psalm that David wrote in chapter 71:14-18 that begins, “as for me, I will always have hope! I will praise You more and more!” Then he goes on to proclaim his devotion to the Lord, and asks that “even when I am old and gray do not forsake me, O Lord, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come.” This has been my prayer, too, for many years.
Why is it important to “hunger” for the word of God? I’ve encouraged my children and grandchildren to be regular readers of the word, because I believe it is God’s planbook for the life He designed us for. When in obedience we put Christ on in the waters of baptism we are promised the gift of His Spirit. And we are told that the Holy Spirit enables us to become more like Jesus Christ. (2 Cor. 4:17-18) As I read the word of God, I am prompted by His Spirit, my heart responding to the teaching and leading of the Word.
There is a wonderful song I have heard and its words sweetly remind us of how the Word of God works in our lives:
“Thank you, Lord, for the trials that come my way.
In that way I can grow each day as I let you lead.
And I thank You, Lord, for the patience the trials bring.
In the process of growing I can learn to care.
(And the chorus, an honest confession to the Lord), says:
But it goes against the way I am to put my human nature down
And let the Spirit take control of all I do.
For when those trials come my human nature SHOUTS the thing to do,
And God’s soft promptings can be easily ignored.
I truly believe that when we prayerfully feed on God’s word we grow into “taking every thought captive” for Christ, and we are prompted and reminded of scriptures that help us daily in all kinds of situations!
I hope you are constantly in God’s word, and I’m sure many of you are! But for those who struggle with making the time for this, especially young parents whose schedules are so demanding, I would love to give you two or three suggestions as to how you may grow in your hunger for the Word of God, and encourage your children and grandchildren to do so.
1) You must be “intentional” about your regular reading of the Bible. You know it is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path! Psalm 119:105
2) If you have to, you really CAN get up earlier for your appointment with the Lord for your “quiet time” of reading His word, and praying to Him, with praise and thanksgiving, about the day to come and for those you love. You will find this habit, too, will grow on you!
3) Choose an easily read Bible, and have a plan to read it through in a year. I use the “One Year Bible“, in the NIV version. I strongly recommend it because it becomes habit-forming, as it should, being the revealed word of God! For deeper study I use my regular NIV Bible , with the added use of a Cruden’s concordance, and Nave’s topical Bible at times.
4) Deut. 6:4-9 doesn’t say all that about communication with your children for nothing!!! Read it and commit it to memory! Then translate it into your own modern day life in your family! Talk about the Lord to your children regularly! Let it be second (perhaps we should say first) nature with you! Let your children hear you pray, and confess your faults. Show them you are as much in need of the Lord’s help and forgiveness as anyone is. Then BE forgiving, as the Lord is! Give them the blessed sense of security that comes when they see you faithfully feeding on and relying on the word of God daily. Children who see faith lived out honestly will be much more likely to remain faithful to the Lord as they grow up and go out on their own. Then TALK to them about how important it is to pray and read His word daily, without fail!
The greatest joy in my life now as I look back over 76 years is the fact that my children and grandchildren love the Lord and His Body, and are faithfully trying to be in His Word every day, and be in prayer constantly in all they do.
I pray you too, have that joy.
Dear Father in heaven, please fill your children with as deep a hunger for Your Word as we have for our daily bread! Thank You that we have the written Word so readily available to us! Please don’t let any child of yours be filled with regret some day that they didn’t take the opportunity to be fed daily by this great blessing You have left for us! In the precious Name of Jesus, Amen
Jan McCoy
Merkel, Texas

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