Saturday, December 1, 2012


It seems so much of life is unraveling. Our economy is in decline; there are new dangers everywhere and so much disappointment. Life is getting harder and anxiety is growing.

The world Paul lived in was a lot like ours today, but his had already gone over the cliff. Persecution had begun and he had the scars to prove it.

So, how could he be so optimistic? In the fourth chapter of II Corinthians, he says things like “We do not lose heart”. In chapter five he says “We are of good courage”.  Was he a liar or was he naïve? No, he had no illusions about this present life. He said, in chapter four, verse eleven, “We are always being given up to death!”

So, how did he do it? Paul saw the current situation very clearly but he also saw Jesus and His work. Paul believed Christ had overcome the world. He calls it a “treasure”. He talks about the “Glory God” and “things that are eternal”.

The world is done for. Our bodies are dying; many are perishing and lies are everywhere. And yet, the Word of God is the truth. This truth is like light shining in our heart and out of our lives. This truth is like a treasure entrusted to us and transcendent power belongs to God. Jesus has conquered death. He has overcome sin and is coming back for us. Look around and it looks bad but life through the eyes of faith looks much different. We are of good courage. I don’t have to win; He already has. I come from God and am going to God. So my problem is like Peter’s problem in the lake. When I take my eyes off of Jesus, the storm looks bad.

Dear God, I praise you for who you are. You created everything. There is no one like you. You have all power. Everything you made works. There is no one like you. You have all wisdom and knowledge. We have sinned greatly and You sent Your only Son to die for our forgiveness. There is no one like you. You are all love. Why am I worried? Why am I afraid? Why don’t I trust you? I have failed again! Please forgive me. Help my unbelief. Thank You for this forgiveness. I love You and praise You. And I pray to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus.   Amen

Paul Shero
San Angelo, Texas

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