Friday, October 19, 2012

Empowering Words

Many years ago, I read an article about a practice session of the Green Bay Packers that illustrates what a big difference we can make by what we say and how we act towards others! On that particular day, things were not going well for Vince Lombardi’s team. Finally, Lombardi’s frustrations peaked. He singled out one of his young guards for his failure to “put out”! It was a hot muggy day when Lombardi called his big guard aside and leveled his awesome vocal guns on him! “Son, YOU are a lousy football player! YOU are not blocking! YOU are not tackling! YOU are NOT putting out! As a matter of fact, it’s over for YOU today, go take a shower!” The big guard dropped his head, turned and slowly walked into the dressing room. About forty-five minutes later, when Lombardi walked in, he saw the big guard sitting in front of his locker still wearing his uniform. His head was bowed and he was sobbing quietly!

Vince Lombardi, ever the changeable but always the compassionate warrior, did something of an about face that was also typical of him. He walked over to his football player and put his arms around his shoulder. “Son,” he said, “I told you the truth. You are a lousy football player. You’re not blocking, you’re not tackling and you’re not putting out. However, in all fairness to you, I should have finished the story. Inside of you, son, there is a great football player and I’m going to stick by your side until the great football player inside of you has a chance to come out and assert himself!” With the encouragement of these words, the young guard began to feel better. He would go on to practice another day. Knowing that he had a coach who was going to stick by his side, the young guard did begin to assert himself as a great football player. As a matter of fact, Jerry Kramer would become one of the all time great guards to ever play professional football! Vince Lombardi could have very possibly destroyed Jerry Kramer. But, instead, he changed course and pointed out the potential that was there and began to reinforce that! We can look back at the record books and see the results!

God has given each one of us a tool of great power! The tongue! We have the power to build up one another or to tear down and destroy one another. I wonder what would happen if the people in God’s kingdom would practice Lombardi’s tactics more often? Often, we say and do things, sometimes even jokingly, that destroys others or leaves scars that last for years. We seldom put forth any effort to encourage or build up one another. So many times, we contaminate our environment with negative words and actions that our spiritual growth stagnates or stops completely. If you are not a Vince Lombardi fan, then listen to the words of James and Paul!
“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.” James 1:26 ESV
“But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another.” Galatians 5:15 ESV
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion,……” Ephesians 4:29 ESV
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1Thessaloniaans 5:11 ESV

Heavenly Father, bless us with a wholesome tongue and a wholesome heart as we strive to disciple the wholesomeness of your son. Help us to look for and reinforce the potential in others. In His name, Amen.

Ron Smith
Beeville, Texas

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