Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Think on it!

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things and the God of peace will be with you (Philippians 4:8, 9).

Bad news is good news for some folks.  They have a sick fascination with anticipating what awful thing is going to happen next.  They’re captivated by it.  Consequently they worry too much, drink too much, sleep too little, and suffer stress-related illnesses of all kinds.
There’s more than enough good news to report, but there’s not a market for it.  If there were, major newspapers, radio stations and TV broadcasters would be outdoing each other’s positive voice and wholesome influence.  Instead, through the magic of modern technology we can experience vicariously every earthly horror and egregious behavior, and the more graphic the better.  No wonder we’re filled with angst!

I’m so thankful the Holy Spirit, through Paul, told us how to live at peace in a world of hostility. He said to think about certain things.  Meditate on them.  Seriously consider whatever is:.
·          True - unconcealed truth, true to fact, conforms to what is true and accurate about God and how God wants us to live;
·          Honorable - gravity and dignity; what inspires reverence and awe; a seriousness of purpose and encourages self-respect.
·          Just - righteous; right conduct.
·          Pure - undefiled, not contaminated, holy.
·          Lovely - pleasing, agreeable, in the direction of brotherly love.
·          Commendable - admirable; of good reputation.

These things are excellent and praiseworthy.  We are to stay focused on them so we can live accordingly.  Father God, the noise of the world targets our vulnerabilities and devours us without mercy if we let it.  Thank you for being our God.  Only in your presence can we find a place to live peacefully all the days of our dangerous life.  Through your son, Christ, who made it possible, we pray and say amen.  

Sandra Milholland
Abilene, Texas

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