Tuesday, July 10, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

The house we live in has a rich heritage to our family.  It has been in my husband's family for almost 70 years.  We have remodeled over the years, but there still remains a warm charm to the house which I have tried to continue in that same heritage.  It creaks and squeaks in places, but that only adds to the warmth and authenticity.  The yard is enclosed with a hand stacked rock fence which was gathered from off the ranch.  Lush vegetation and trees adorn the house.  A wooden swing hung by chains that have grown into the branches of a 100 year old oak tree marks the days of past when my husband would swing as a toddler.  The peaceful serenity creates an atmosphere of ageless beauty magnifying the magnificence of our Creator.  It is a wonderful place to raise our children and the place we call home.

So what exactly makes a house a home? How many times have you heard someone say, "If I can just get home, everything will be all right".  Our home is our area of creativity.  It is an environment with familiar surroundings which brings calmness to our physical, psychological, and spiritual state.  It is a place we yearn to be more and more to escape everyday frustrations.  When we are sick, home is important to help us get well.  Home strengthens and renews the family. Home gives us the ability to cope with pressure. Home is a place to fellowship with family and friends. It is a place to serve others, offer hospitality, and be with God.

The Ark of the Covenant was a special piece of furniture for the Israelites.  Anywhere the Ark of Covenant resided, blessings abounded because the Ark was associated with the very presence of God.  Where God's presence is, there is blessing and hope. "God has placed eternity in our hearts". (Eccles. 3:11) Therefore, our homes here on earth cannot fully and permanently satisfy.  So, for now the greatest contribution that resides in our homes begins with God's priorities in mind.  I’m reminded of these two verses from Paul:
"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things". (Col. 3:1-3)
"But godliness and contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it". (I Tim. 6:6-7)

God has blessed us with earthly homes and allows us the privilege to make them functional, restful, and renewing.  I love that the walls in my home are full of photographs of my children.  It delights my heart to reflect on the blessings that they have brought to our lives.  It also reminds me that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father.  I love the delicious smells that come from my kitchen.  It reminds me of all the special occasions spent with family and friends.  When I work in the kitchen I’m reminded time and again of the wonderful Christian women   God put in my life who taught me how to cook, clean, serve, raise a family, and love God.  I love the cozy blankets draped over favorite places in my home.  It allows me time alone to cuddle with God's word and a warm cup of coffee.  It reminds me of all the needs God has provided for me and my family.  I love sitting around the glowing, crackling fire.  It reminds me of the light that shines through me because of our Savior and the comfort He has provided during the dark times.  I love to smell the fragrant candles that burn throughout my home.  A symbol of the sweet aroma of Christ that infiltrates our soul if we invite God in. 
Lastly, I love the scriptures hanging throughout our home which are a reminder that Christ lives in our hearts and that we should be in His word sharing it with those we love and everyone we meet.

All these things make a house a home because they are matters of the heart.  So, unlike Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, when she clicked her red heels together, closed her eyes tightly, and repeated there's no place like home, there's no place like home...There's No Place Like Heaven! "But our citizenship is in Heaven". (Phil 3:20)

"Choose for yourselves this day who you will serve. But as for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord". (Joshua 24:15)

God Bless your Home.

Carla Henson

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