Friday, June 1, 2012

The Lamp of the Body

The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”  Matthew 6:22-23

Today a man is coming to measure my windows in order to replace them.  Here in Alaska, double paned windows are a must.  The effects of time, moisture and temperature change eventually create a situation when your newly washed window is still foggy because the seal has broken.  That is when you know it is time to replace them.  

I am thrilled at the prospect of seeing my front yard clearly.  Last summer we had the boy’s room window replaced.  When I came into the room I initially thought the job wasn’t completed because there was no glass.  To my surprise the window had been replaced with beautiful clear glass that was so transparent it was hardly noticeable.  I remember looking out onto the back yard with fresh eyes and marveled at how accustomed I had become to a hazy view.   

How we see the world around us is a choice we must all make.  Through what kind of eyes or windows are we going to view our lives?  Jesus puts it very simply when he tells us in Matthew that our eyes are windows to our hearts.  Do we open the windows wide allowing a joyful light to come in or are we drawing the room darkening shades?  Has the haziness of sin habituated us to seeing life dull and disappointing? 

Through good eyes we can see the working of God around us.  Through thankful eyes we can fully live in the blessings God has to show us.  Even when we face challenging, heart-rending times we can see God at work if we open our eyes and give thanks.  

As I write this, outside my window I see my two boys playing in the newly greening grass with their dog.  I listen to laughter and the occasional raised voice.  When I crack open the window a cool Alaskan summer breeze comes through with the scent of the Mayday tree…and I am thankful. 

Dear God, thank you for all the many good gifts you give us every day.  You are the Father of Lights and every good thing comes from you.  Help us to have good eyes, even when times are difficult.  Help us to daily count the blessings.  Amen.   

Dana Jaworski
Anchor Point, Alaska

1 comment:

  1. Keep writing Dana, I love your insight.
