Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Theme: What is the Blessed Life?

It has been said that you can find more truth and wisdom in Matthew 5,6 & 7, than in 500 years of Greek philosophy. That sermon is sure full of truth and hope. Some of the statements of Jesus sort of slap us in the face. Of course, if Jesus said it, we believe it but still…For example, that ‘meek’ thing, you know…in Matthew 5:5, it says… “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”         

Being meek is not high on the list of anyone I know. Even now, when I think of meek, I think weak. Conventional wisdom says meek people don’t inherit the whole earth, just a mouthful of it. So what is Jesus talking about? Well, we have to learn what words really mean. Meek means control or tame like what you do with a wild horse. Just strong but under control.          

Well, that’s something I could use. Control! I have never been pleased with myself when I ‘lose’ it. I tear up so much. I hurt so many. To learn to be under control, better yet, “His” control, now that would really be good. To use all my energy for constructive purposes; to build and not always tear down, that would really be something. I would be in good company. In the Bible, two men are called ‘meek’. One was Moses and the other was Jesus. 

Dear God, I come before you again. Thank you for being who you are. For having all power and knowing all things. I know nothing is impossible with you. This control thing is impossible with me. I think I have my temper under control and then I shoot off my mouth or I bring up some injustice I should have forgotten. I know a lot more about destruction than I should and less about blessing and building up. Sometimes I almost explode. Sometimes I do. I am so sorry. I know I shame your name. Please forgive me. Do whatever you need to teach me meekness. I need it so. I want to look like your son.  In His name, I pray.   Amen

Paul Shero
San Angelo, Texas

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your post. You are speaking to MY heart. I pray for meekness & control, for you and for myself.
