Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Theme: Colossians 3

Letting Peace Rule
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful.  Col. 3:15 NIV

Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Col. 3:15 The Message

As I meditated on this scripture, the word “let” stood out in my mind. Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart. Jesus wants so much for His body to get along together and dwell in peace. He wants us to support one another. He wants us thinking about what is best for our brothers and sisters and not solely what is best for us. It appears that being called to peace is much like being called to unity.  Isn’t it amazing that in unity there is peace?

We will never have that kind of peace if we choose to hold onto our grudges, bitter feelings, resentment, or envy, insisting on things being done our way. We must choose to forgive, putting others first, and let peace rule.

I tried to imagine what it would “feel” like to let peace rule. I imagined myself sitting on the most comfortable couch with my heavenly Father sitting on one side and my brother Jesus sitting on the other. They both are always loving me and watching out for me and I am doing my best to love them back.  Between us is perfect peace. That is the same peace that Jesus wants for all believers.  When you have peace like that, you can’t help but be thankful.

Dear Heavenly Father, I want the peace that you offer, a peace that can’t be found anywhere else.  You even tell me the secret of how to possess it. Give me the courage to take hold of it and let it rule in my heart! In the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, Amen.

Terry Diane Smith
Stephenville, TX


  1. Terrific article Terry! thanks for such a moving reminder. Peace!

  2. Thank you, Terry, for speaking to our hearts.
    May we learn to let go, forgive and enjoy peace among one another. Can we truly have peace with the Father, if we do not have it among ourselves? You are a blessing! mo

  3. I'm picturing myself sitting on my couch between God & Jesus. . . Wow! If that doesn't take the knots out of your stomach, nothing will.
