Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Want to Get Even?

Series: Reflections on Romans 12

Paul ends chapter 12 of Romans with these words. “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Evil is such a blunt word. I prefer a softer word like ‘bad’. Evil conjures up all sorts of dark images…like holocaust, murder, perversion and the sort. What surprises me is the context of this passage. Paul is talking about conceit and vengeance. He even says in verse 17 ‘repay no one evil for evil.’ This idea of getting along and being noble is a good idea in a perfect world but what about this world? Could Paul actually say you shouldn’t get even?

This takes us back to David when he is in the cave with Saul. Saul is committing all kinds of evil against David…even trying to kill him. David can kill Saul with one blow and the evil Saul will be stopped. David’s problems will be solved. So why doesn’t he kill Saul? The truth is, if he kills Saul, Saul will be dead but David will now be like Saul. Saul’s sin, evil, was not trusting God. Saul took matters into his own hands. Saul, not God, ruled his life. The moment David kills Saul, he becomes like Saul. Evil will overcome him. So, ‘do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.’

Dear God, You know everything. You are everywhere and you are always good. I would not know what good is if it were not for you. Please forgive my haughtiness, my conceit and my arrogance. When I think I know best. When I seek to set things straight. When I refuse to trust you to do right. This is such an awful sin. I’m so ashamed! Please forgive me. I know more about evil than I should. Help me to do good and over come evil. Give me wisdom to know the difference.
In the name of Your Son who overcame the world. Amen

Paul Shero
San Angelo, Texas

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