Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let's Grab a Sweet Tea

Series: The church as the extension of Jesus: His eyes, feet, hands, mouth, ears

“You are now a member of the church”.

“Welcome, we are so proud to have you as a member here”

“You will love this congregation; we are just one big family”

Have you ever heard these quotes at church? I have heard them, said them and had them spoken to me! That is typical “foyer talk” after a baptism or someone placing membership. A relationship begins to develop between a group of people that keeps encouraging and welcoming new members. A sort of country club, with no dues. Some may look around and wonder, just what exactly is this big group of people that wants to hug when they see each other and invite me over for lunch? Others may know and think….”Ahh, just what I have been looking for! Yes, that is the definition of a body of believers to me.”

I see the church as an extension of Jesus by the ears we listen with, the handshakes we give, the eyes we look into while we talk to one another, the smiles we pass along and the feet that carry us to fellowship with one another. “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.” (1 Cor. 12:12)

As a member of the Body, it is always encouraging to welcome a new person. It is amazing to watch how God designed us all with talents, that when united together can do amazing things.

I believe we as the body have an obligation to further the kingdom, while taking care of one another along the way. I must take care of all my fellow Christians so that our “body” will be working to the best of its ability. I count my blessings, daily, that my dearest friends are girls that I have met because of the body of believers that I worship with.

As we go through daily life and the struggles it presents, let’s try to remember to have one glass of sweet tea with someone else. Maybe we will extend the invitation to the new member, the visitor, the best friend, the older couple, or the college kid.

This southern girl believes that the foyer is one of the best places to extend an invitation for a glass of sweet tea!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for being the common bond that binds our body together. Please allow us to strengthen one another and pray for one another. Let us extend our ears, hands, eyes, mouths and feet when we need to. Thank you for your Son.

In His Name I pray,


Ashleigh Feuerbacher

Stephenville, Texas

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