Series: Reflections on Romans 12
I saw nothing more fitting than to use “I Am Second” for my title taken from the “I am Second” website to describe the words of Romans 12:3. Most readers probably by now have heard of this website and have probably visited it on one or more occasions. If not I encourage you to do so. I am a “Big Fan,” to say the least. The sole purpose is to inspire “US” to live for God and others. Paul’s point in verse 3 is, I believe, summed up nicely by “I Am Second.”
I saw nothing more fitting than to use “I Am Second” for my title taken from the “I am Second” website to describe the words of Romans 12:3. Most readers probably by now have heard of this website and have probably visited it on one or more occasions. If not I encourage you to do so. I am a “Big Fan,” to say the least. The sole purpose is to inspire “US” to live for God and others. Paul’s point in verse 3 is, I believe, summed up nicely by “I Am Second.”
“For by the Grace given me I say to everyone of you:”— Paul had received grace (God’s undeserved favor) to be an apostle (Rom.1:5), and as an apostle he is now writing to the Roman believers and giving them a gentle, loving command concerning humility.
“Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself”—we must think correctly about ourselves, and not be puffed up with an exaggerated and unrealistic idea of our own importance and superiority. We must not have a high, lofty, proud view of ourselves, but we need to have God’s view of ourselves (see ourselves as God does).
“With sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you”— having a sound mind, mental health, sensibly and seriousness to have a balanced and correct estimate of ourselves, to see ourselves as God sees us.
I am constantly reminded by life events, whether large or small, that humble me and help me realize that “I Am Second.” Just the other day while I was leveling dirt for a Fort/Swing set (Santa Clause present) for my 2 year old little boy, Cash, walked up to me with arms outstretched and hugged me, patting me with both of his little hands on my shoulders and said, "Daddy, I love you." I am here to tell you this so-called “Tough Daddy” melted like butter. I was a mess and it struck me down to the very core of my heart. After he left my sight, I had somewhat of a "moment" and the simple gesture of a little 2 year old boy calmly put me back in my place. It made me ask the question; How long has it been since I have said or done that to God or for someone else? A daily hug and I love you, is what God wants and what he desires us to do for others! In reading a recent article, I came upon an excellent illustration that sets in motion and gives valuable advice for those of us that sometimes think we are a V.I.P (Very Important Person):
Sometime when you’re feeling important, sometime when your ego is way up, sometime when you take it for granted that you are the prize winning “pup," sometime when you feel that your absence would leave an unfillable hole, just follow these simple instructions, and see how it humbles your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water, put your hand in it up to your wrist. Now pull it out fast and the hole that remains is the measure of how you will be missed. You may splash all you please as you enter, and stir up the water galore, but STOP and you’ll find in a minute, its back where it was before.
It is very easy to become proud and feel good about ourselves these days due to all the resources that are available to us, but what frustrates me the most (and I talk to myself more than anyone else) is that if I claim to be who I am (Christian) why is it so hard for me to live my life like the 33 years that Jesus did on this earth? If anyone on the face of this earth had/has the right to be proud, it is him, yet he came to this earth and put himself “Second” and then died on the cross for me so I could become something. Jesus, thank You!!!
Jesus, thank you for life events that humble us and help us realize we are second. I ask that you soften our being to have the conscious that puts you and others before us. Thank you for the opportunity to wake up each day and love you and others more. When we get to the point in our life when our ego is way up, give us the maturity to know that everything we have, everything we can do are precious gifts from you. We love you. Amen!
Landon Kribbs
Springtown, Texas
Great article Landon! The ship has left the dock. I look forward to more from your hand.
ReplyDeleteLandon, You probably remember me telling you, from when you were about 10 to 17, "You're a Good Boy." Well, who knew what a good man you would turn out to be! And one who is able express himself so well. Thanks for sharing with us.