What ‘powers’ this gift, besides obviously God? I would say it is definitely ‘love.’
For me to be truly interested in encouraging someone, I must be an unselfish person, basically. To encourage someone else, I have to get ‘outside’ myself and look at things from another’s perspective in order to understand, to empathize with their circumstances. So, this requires deciding to forget about myself and focus on the person that I want to build up and encourage (sounds a lot like Philippians 2, doesn’t it?!). I may use written words as my tool, or relaxed conversation, one on one. I may simply have a calm, non-judgmental listening ear! Involved in this process I may spend time in prayer, asking the Father who loves so perfectly to help me love in the same way He does, seeing the best that is in people, and desiring to help draw it out.
I have given lots of thought to the wonderful gift some have of seeing the very best in people, and lifting them up to a higher bar of excellence in their daily lives. It is through encouragement that the person is able to do this. It is through trying to see this person through the eyes of the Lord.
Isn’t it a thrilling, yet chilling thought that God sees good potential in every human being? And yet we look at the derelict on the corner, the filthy, smelly person that dares to stand in a line behind us in a public place, and it is hard for us to fight repulsion. But what if we looked at every person to see if we could find the good or the best in them? It is very amazing to see the transformation in a countenance that just a genuine friendly smile, and a kind word can bring about! As one who is a child of a loving God, saved by His redeeming love, can I be an extension of His all-knowing, merciful knowledge of people, and trust Him to be with me in reaching out to such as these around me? What a change would happen to our world if all Christians would make a consistent practice of looking for the very best in every person they meet, and in all their acquaintances! Even in our own personal families we neglect this, to our shame! We have too much to do! We are so busy with the “things” of our daily lives that we even fail our own chil

In Romans 12 we find a number of ‘gifts’ listed, and among them this gift of ‘encouragement.’ I am very comforted that the Lord affirms the Christian sister who writes cards and notes to her fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord as her way of encouragement. Every time we read of someone in the Bible being encouraging they are said to be building them up in their faith, urging them to stay true to the course! (see Acts 11:23; Acts 13:15; Acts 14:22 as examples.) This is a most worthy thing, and those who do this important, yet seemingly humble service give such a lift to the one they write! And we should all appreciate this thoughtful service, as it is given a place of honor in the scriptures right along with other ‘gifts’ that sometimes receive more attention and praise.
Father, please let us be extensions of Your outreach to everyone we meet! Let us smile and greet and draw them to all that is good about You, our dear redeeming Father! In doing this please help us to genuinely serve them, when we are able, and use us to encourage them to live up to the potential that You see in them! In the precious name of Jesus, amen.
Jan McCoy
Merkel, Texas
Just read this again. You have such great insight! Thanks Jan.