The last words Jesus uttered before he ascended into heaven focused his disciple's attention on their calling to be ministers of reconciliation between God and man.
Priests. Light on a hill. Salt of the earth. Ambassadors for Christ. The aroma of Christ.
The New Testament is littered with metaphors that remind us that we have tasted of the kindness of the Lord so that we can proclaim the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:3-10).
But, "going" gets crowded out by a lot of other things - good things - that displace going to the margins of church life. We talk about it. We strategize for it. But, church is largely about...us. "Going" is more of an assumed experience. It's more idea than practice.
Can you identify with that?
Someone recently sent a video to me that encapsulates a truth that we need to hear. It's short and to the point.
May it bless you in days to come as we think about and, more importantly, engage God's calling of us to be a "going" people.
Randy Daughery - Stephenville, Texas
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