Series: Jesus, You Make Me Nervous

Many of the stories Jesus told are so comforting...the shepherd searching for a lost lamb, a father watching for a son to return. The stories about leaven and mustard seeds are interesting but the story in John 15 is unsettling. In this story, Jesus is the vine and I am a branch. That's well and good. Then He begins to expand the picture. the branch is held accountable. If there is no fruit, the branch is cut off and burned. The father is the one with the knife and the fire. This seems sort of harsh. But it gets worse. Jesus said, "Apart from Me, you can do nothing." (verse 5) Nothing? I know we can't be all that we could be without Jesus, but NOTHING? I would think I could do something--but NOTHING?
The picture of a dead branch on fire is upsetting. It makes me nervous. No power, no life without Jesus. Wow! But the story gets worse. Jesus said that we abide in Him when we keep His commandments. Immediately, I think of what I have baptism. But He says I have to love others. Some of those folks are hard to love. So, apart from Jesus, I can do nothing. And apart from my brothers, I can't be in Jesus. This is hard. But then, He promises that His joy would be in me and my joy would be full. You know, come to think of it, I could use some joy.
Dear Father, I know You are God. You know everything and You are always right. I know You love me and want what is best for me. And yet, I resist You. I try to hide from You. And I always argue with You. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. As the vine dresser who has grafted me to Your son, please cut off everything I don't need. But please don't cut me off. I need You. You are life. Thank You for life and forgiveness. In the name of Your Son, the True Vine, I pray. Amen
Paul Shero
San Angelo, Texas

Many of the stories Jesus told are so comforting...the shepherd searching for a lost lamb, a father watching for a son to return. The stories about leaven and mustard seeds are interesting but the story in John 15 is unsettling. In this story, Jesus is the vine and I am a branch. That's well and good. Then He begins to expand the picture. the branch is held accountable. If there is no fruit, the branch is cut off and burned. The father is the one with the knife and the fire. This seems sort of harsh. But it gets worse. Jesus said, "Apart from Me, you can do nothing." (verse 5) Nothing? I know we can't be all that we could be without Jesus, but NOTHING? I would think I could do something--but NOTHING?
The picture of a dead branch on fire is upsetting. It makes me nervous. No power, no life without Jesus. Wow! But the story gets worse. Jesus said that we abide in Him when we keep His commandments. Immediately, I think of what I have baptism. But He says I have to love others. Some of those folks are hard to love. So, apart from Jesus, I can do nothing. And apart from my brothers, I can't be in Jesus. This is hard. But then, He promises that His joy would be in me and my joy would be full. You know, come to think of it, I could use some joy.
Dear Father, I know You are God. You know everything and You are always right. I know You love me and want what is best for me. And yet, I resist You. I try to hide from You. And I always argue with You. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. As the vine dresser who has grafted me to Your son, please cut off everything I don't need. But please don't cut me off. I need You. You are life. Thank You for life and forgiveness. In the name of Your Son, the True Vine, I pray. Amen
Paul Shero
San Angelo, Texas
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