Series: Stories Jesus Told

41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.” (Mark 12:41-44)
Earlier this week (1/30), Randy described Jesus’ ability to convey important lessons through telling stories. They are real life - real experiences with common people. I think we can all relate to that. What’s interesting to me is that the stories Jesus told over 2,000 years ago still relate to me - to today’s life; today’s struggles! Cultures have evolved but the basics of life are exactly the same! We are a sinful people who are subject to failure everyday BUT have the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ available through the unending grace of our loving Father! That hasn’t change a single bit over the last 2,000 years!
Jesus lived on earth just as we do so that he could set a perfect example for life here on earth. Man could not use this as an excuse! God did (and does) understand what life is like here on earth – the struggles, the temptations, the strife. He chose to send his son ( His ONLY son!) to live on earth, talk the talk and WALK THE WALK! As a sinful and struggling people, we needed his example. We need to observe his life on earth. We need to hear his down – to – earth stories about people just like us in situations just like ours. As intelligent as we are, sometimes we need stories that are simple, ones that we can relate to - stories that we find ourselves represented in.
If you read the entire 12th chapter of Mark, you can envision what the experience must have been like. Pharisees and teachers of the law were trying so hard to catch Jesus in a trap. They asked him a barrage of questions, observed him constantly and made every effort to disprove his teachings. All the while, Jesus was patient, poised and tolerant of their behavior. He knew the words written on their hearts. I can just imagine Jesus’ demeanor at the temple. He was patient – answered their questions with reverence but conviction. He constantly observed people’s behavior, their emotions, their facial expressions. He was reading each person – reading their heart.
Picture Jesus sitting across from the collection plate - quietly, just watching each person as they made their own contribution. Many people came and went placing their money in the plate. Perhaps some people carelessly, without a heightened awareness of what they were really doing, simply put money in the plate. According to scripture, they put a lot of money in the plate! But, Jesus could tell by the look on their face that their heart wasn’t in it! It was a routine gesture for many, checking off the item on their spiritual to-do list. But, for this poor widow, things were different. Her husband was gone and her lifestyle certainly wasn’t a lavish one. Nonetheless, she didn’t hesitate to wholeheartedly give “all she had to live on”. Honestly, I can’t say that I have put every single dollar I have in the collection plate or donated it to HIS service. But, I really don’t think that’s the point. I believe the point of the story is that we must trust our Father, in EVERY situation, that firstly, he deserves all that we have and secondly, will provide for us regardless of our situation. It’s really a matter of the heart. If we choose to give ourselves, our time, our money, to the Lord then we choose HIM to be in control. We choose HIS will over ours. It’s so easy to give our contribution at church because it’s the’ right thing to do’. But it should be because we want to do it – completely, unselfishly, trusting the Lord will bless it as he sees fit.
Father, thank you for loving us so much that you provide for our every need. Forgive me when I fail to surrender my heart and my worldly possessions to you. Please help me Lord, to willing give of my time and my money so that your kingdom may grow. Thank you for sending Jesus to earth to show the way I should live. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.” (Mark 12:41-44)
Earlier this week (1/30), Randy described Jesus’ ability to convey important lessons through telling stories. They are real life - real experiences with common people. I think we can all relate to that. What’s interesting to me is that the stories Jesus told over 2,000 years ago still relate to me - to today’s life; today’s struggles! Cultures have evolved but the basics of life are exactly the same! We are a sinful people who are subject to failure everyday BUT have the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ available through the unending grace of our loving Father! That hasn’t change a single bit over the last 2,000 years!
Jesus lived on earth just as we do so that he could set a perfect example for life here on earth. Man could not use this as an excuse! God did (and does) understand what life is like here on earth – the struggles, the temptations, the strife. He chose to send his son ( His ONLY son!) to live on earth, talk the talk and WALK THE WALK! As a sinful and struggling people, we needed his example. We need to observe his life on earth. We need to hear his down – to – earth stories about people just like us in situations just like ours. As intelligent as we are, sometimes we need stories that are simple, ones that we can relate to - stories that we find ourselves represented in.
If you read the entire 12th chapter of Mark, you can envision what the experience must have been like. Pharisees and teachers of the law were trying so hard to catch Jesus in a trap. They asked him a barrage of questions, observed him constantly and made every effort to disprove his teachings. All the while, Jesus was patient, poised and tolerant of their behavior. He knew the words written on their hearts. I can just imagine Jesus’ demeanor at the temple. He was patient – answered their questions with reverence but conviction. He constantly observed people’s behavior, their emotions, their facial expressions. He was reading each person – reading their heart.
Picture Jesus sitting across from the collection plate - quietly, just watching each person as they made their own contribution. Many people came and went placing their money in the plate. Perhaps some people carelessly, without a heightened awareness of what they were really doing, simply put money in the plate. According to scripture, they put a lot of money in the plate! But, Jesus could tell by the look on their face that their heart wasn’t in it! It was a routine gesture for many, checking off the item on their spiritual to-do list. But, for this poor widow, things were different. Her husband was gone and her lifestyle certainly wasn’t a lavish one. Nonetheless, she didn’t hesitate to wholeheartedly give “all she had to live on”. Honestly, I can’t say that I have put every single dollar I have in the collection plate or donated it to HIS service. But, I really don’t think that’s the point. I believe the point of the story is that we must trust our Father, in EVERY situation, that firstly, he deserves all that we have and secondly, will provide for us regardless of our situation. It’s really a matter of the heart. If we choose to give ourselves, our time, our money, to the Lord then we choose HIM to be in control. We choose HIS will over ours. It’s so easy to give our contribution at church because it’s the’ right thing to do’. But it should be because we want to do it – completely, unselfishly, trusting the Lord will bless it as he sees fit.
Father, thank you for loving us so much that you provide for our every need. Forgive me when I fail to surrender my heart and my worldly possessions to you. Please help me Lord, to willing give of my time and my money so that your kingdom may grow. Thank you for sending Jesus to earth to show the way I should live. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Mischelle Tittor
Cleburne, Texas
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